[HowTo] Screen off animation - Gingerbread


Nov 16, 2010
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Okay, I don't know about you guys but I was disappointed that Gingerbread for the DX didn't have the screen off animation. So, here is how you enable it!

Step 0. Make a backup
Step 1. Download this file to your computer: http://bit.ly/gj5a7H
Step 2. Connect your phone via adb.
Step 3. Do the following commands:
adb remount
adb push framework-res.apk /data/local/tmp/framework-res.apk
adb shell
rm /system/framework/framework-res.apk
cp /data/local/tmp/framework-res.apk /system/framework/
rm /data/local/tmp/framework-res.apk

UPDATE: If you'd rather just flash a .zip in CWM... http://bit.ly/gNdk4E

& enjoy your animation!

Source: [GUIDE] Enabling old-school CRT off animation in Gingerbread | Droid X Root
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Does this work for the droid 2 also?

Honestly, I am not sure if this would work for the Droid 2, since the framework-res.apk files may not be identical between the builds. However, if you are familiar with ADB and can extract the original framework-res.apk and moto-res.apk from your system/framework folder, you can create your own modified framework-res.apk using the instructions from the following link:

Enable electronBeam Animation

You will need APK manager and an ADB setup to perform this process. The entire process literally takes less than 10 minutes, and is a great opportunity to brush up on your ADB experience. This process will definitely work for the Droid 2, though I cannot confirm the files posted here will work.
Thanks, I'll try this tonight

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ugg, just another reason for me to SBF tonight and get the rooted version....i was so happy with the unrooted one tho :( this phone keeps getting better and better.
What exactly does this do? I'm not sure what the animations are.

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this is just when the screens goes black not when u actually power off the X correct?

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You rock

Seriously, You rule.

First thing I checked for when I heard about the gingerbread leak, was whether it had this option. Thankfully someone worked this in.

Now my only hope is that framework themers automatically build this in, so that I don't have to manually add this every time I find a theme I like.

Thanks again for the awesome find/post!
this is the sole reason i wanted gingerbread so much =D works perfectly:icon_ banana:
I flashed this on my Droid 2 and there were several other areas where it affected framework such as a messed up lockscreen and some white on white text. The screen off animation worked great though. I look forward to someone hopefully porting this over to Droid 2.
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flashing the zip didn't work for me :( no animation. is there an option I have to turn on?

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