scott craft
Active Member
I updated from the leaked ics to the official version. How is this battery life? This is with LTE off, some WiFi and some 3G. I don't think this is that good, but I do use the phone a lot.
Thanks. I might be expecting more out of this phone than I should. I'm going to drain it to 15% tomorrow evening when I go to work, turn it off and charge it. Hope that will help some. I usually have access to some type of charger, but I was under the impression with the extended battery it would last a reallly long time.
mountainbikermark said:It will last a really long time if you have good to great signal but the phone is going to up its radio power output attempting to get a better or any signal in weak areas.
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Nothing has changed in the department from the very beginning of cell phones. Weak signal or looking for signal eats the battery up quickly.
But it doesn't show up in most stats, hence many can't understand why some phones can go a year between charges on a standard battery while the rest of us bask in mediocrity, even with an extended battery.
With my Incredible1 the place I go camping has such good signal I'd leave my charger at home when camping for the weekend , and have plenty of battery to spare even after heavy usage, yet charging every day when near my home is a must, even with light usage.
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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
I love this phone but battery life is brutal. I've got
Stock HTC 1620mah
Extended HTC 27xxmah
2 Ebay 1800mah
2 Ebay 3500mah
Running NeoMax: Adrenaline 1.5 (ICS .10 leak) LTE off, screen 50% at all times, sycn only gmail, ect. Basically running pretty bare bones and I still feel tied down to the charger.
Sent from my DROID2 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
I don't understand understand what gsam battery is telling me. I am vacationing in a low reception area. Per the app radio is at 1% screen is at 23% and apps are at 72%. Of that Kernel is at 20%. That means turning off radios or dimming screen shouldn't matter.
What gives? Running ICS is definitely worse on the batteries. Right now on vacation I am out of power by 3 pm with stock battery.