Hows the D2 battery life?


Aug 13, 2010
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Im getting my D2 this Wed in the mail from Verizon. Hows the battery life? Im coming from a Incredible that had terrible battery life. So any insight whould be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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Your kidding right? Phone ships today and your asking this already?

It's more than likely going to be the same as the X...I get 14-18 hours off of a charge.

And Welcome to the Madness here....
Sorry im hyper-sensitive to battery issues coming from an Incredible lol.
I'd wait for Froyo before dumping the incredible. According to the rumors I've heard, DI lasts the day with light use and not using any stupid Live backgrounds and dozens of self-updating widgets.
First "full day" with it yesterday afternoon...
charged overnight and unplugged it at 0345 before heading off to was dead by 0945-1000

Of course I was flipping through the home screens, learning how to use it etc for a lot of that time...but still seems very low

I'm currently charging it again right now
i got my yesterday and played with it. I then fully charged mine before I went out last night where I was showing people it and playing with it. Today i've been fooling around with it, but not a whole lot, and I'm at 50% battery life so far. So right now im at 17 hours with 50% left. Keep in mind i'm not using it every minute and it goes into night mode during the night.
First day was bad for me too. I received it at work, charged it fully and unplugged at 5PM. By 8:30 PM it was down under 20%. Charged all night AND turned off the GPS under services and I've used it for about 6.5 hours today and it's up around 80% life left.
I need Help

I got my droid 2 yesterday overall its a very powerful phone but i cant get more then 5 hours of use out of it per full charge any suggestions of what to turn off? ive been using task killer frequently and i also go into applications running services and turn off the news widget and weather widget but i check 3minutes later and they start running again by themselves i need help!!!!! Also after 20mintues of using it it drops down to 90% battery life =/
Nice find I guess I will stop using task killer for a day and see what happens any idea how to get the news widget and weather wdiget to stop syncing I hear they drain a lot of battery?
I wouldn't expect anyone's battery to be lasting very long right now. Everyone is playing on it constantly doing all kinds of stuff.
nice find

I guess I will stop using task killer so much and see what happens any idea how to stop the news widget from autosyncing I think that's one of my main problems

I guess I will stop using task killer so much and see what happens any idea how to stop the news widget from autosyncing I think that's one of my main problems

I barly used my droid this time no wifi no blue tooth no gps running and drop to 90% battery life. After unplugged for 20min any suggestions?
Is the battery charging bug fixed on the droid 2 , I know the incredible still has it and the droid x which I returned didn't ( meaning if its at 50% and you rebooted it stays at 50% it doesn't go up )