I attempted to flash 6.7.2233 onto my Bionic via Recovery from my SD card. It appeared to be successful, however, upon rebooting I was greeted by the following:
AP Fastboot Fash Mode (S) (Boot Failure)
Battery OK
OK to Program
Transfer Mode:
USB Connected
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop): Invalid SP Data
Invalid CG HAB (CG: webtop, status: 0X004E)
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop)
And I am unable to select any boot mode as I receive the same screen :sad:
I was on 905, prior to attempting the boot. I had used a new SD card to apply the flash.
Please help. I have always been able to browse the forum for solutions but cannot find a way to resolve this.
AP Fastboot Fash Mode (S) (Boot Failure)
Battery OK
OK to Program
Transfer Mode:
USB Connected
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop): Invalid SP Data
Invalid CG HAB (CG: webtop, status: 0X004E)
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop)
And I am unable to select any boot mode as I receive the same screen :sad:
I was on 905, prior to attempting the boot. I had used a new SD card to apply the flash.
Please help. I have always been able to browse the forum for solutions but cannot find a way to resolve this.