I was running gb rooted. Used the 1.8 utility and ran option 1 (my bad). Tried the 1.6 utility to get back to stock, no dice. Tried the 1.7 utility and option 2 but can't boot into recovery. All I get is the M logo screen and I can do the 3 key method to get into AP fastboot. Here is the error that comes up after trying to boot:
AP fastboot flash mode (s) (boot failure)
device is locked status code 0
invalid cg otv (cg: webtop): invalid sp data
invalid cg hab (cg: webtop, status 0x0056
invalid cg otv (cg: webtop)
AP fastboot flash mode (s) (boot failure)
device is locked status code 0
invalid cg otv (cg: webtop): invalid sp data
invalid cg hab (cg: webtop, status 0x0056
invalid cg otv (cg: webtop)