Invalid Flash Mode (S) Boot failure

Anyone have the solution for this? I am stuck in the same boat on my Bionic right now :/
I have this same issue. I can't get the FXZ to load. Any I messed with it so long my battery is low, and I don't think it charges. I thought I knew what I was doing, but apparently I'm still a noob.
sickboy2137 said:
I have this same issue. I can't get the FXZ to load. Any I messed with it so long my battery is low, and I don't think it charges. I thought I knew what I was doing, but apparently I'm still a noob.

You need to charge your battery. Few options: 1. Find someone with a bionic that will let you charge your battery in their phone.
2. Go to verizon and see if they can charge your phone. They may have an external charger.
3. Buy an extra battery (they usually come with enough charge to restore your phone).
4. Buy an external battery charger.
5. buy a motorola factory flash cable. This type of cable has a different pin out and has the +5v on pin 1 which bypasses the battery and powers the device directly even without a battery inserted at all. here is a link...
OK. My wife has a Bionic too. She's coming back home from out of town today. I'll use her phone to charge the battery, then try again.

sickboy2137 said:
OK. My wife has a Bionic too. She's coming back home from out of town today. I'll use her phone to charge the battery, then try again.


PM me your gmail if you need help and i will invite you to chat in google talk or google+
I got it all fixed. Tried out the ICS leak, remembered how much I hate Blur... and ended up putting Eclipse 3.0 on it. I'd love to use ICS, but I can't seem to find anything that's good, that everything works. OH well. At least my phone works.

Thanks for the offer of help. Its amazing how much a difference a charged battery can make,.