I am having a hard time installing the drivers for my verizon galaxy s3. I have downloaded the drivers numerous times and when I connect my S3 to the pc I get " Usb device not recognized". I have tried to tick the "usb debugging" toggle in the settings and that also did not work. I installed Kies on my PC because I read on the forum that this would solve my problem by automatically installing the drivers and it did not. After kies would not recognize the phone, I tried to click the error option on kies. Once error process completed i connected my S3 and it still would not connect. I have also tried disabling the firewall thinking it might be the cause of the problem and it still will not connect to my pc. I am on stock 4.1.2, original samsung usb cable with with windows vista 64bit.
Can anyone give me some pointers here? Am i doing something wrong? I have never had this problem on any other devices before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can anyone give me some pointers here? Am i doing something wrong? I have never had this problem on any other devices before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.