* Help * Problem installing Verizon Galaxy S3 drivers


Nov 22, 2011
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I am having a hard time installing the drivers for my verizon galaxy s3. I have downloaded the drivers numerous times and when I connect my S3 to the pc I get " Usb device not recognized". I have tried to tick the "usb debugging" toggle in the settings and that also did not work. I installed Kies on my PC because I read on the forum that this would solve my problem by automatically installing the drivers and it did not. After kies would not recognize the phone, I tried to click the error option on kies. Once error process completed i connected my S3 and it still would not connect. I have also tried disabling the firewall thinking it might be the cause of the problem and it still will not connect to my pc. I am on stock 4.1.2, original samsung usb cable with with windows vista 64bit.

Can anyone give me some pointers here? Am i doing something wrong? I have never had this problem on any other devices before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Had the same problem. You have to uninstall your S3 drivers and install an earlier version. There are instructions out there but I can't find them while I'm at work.
I use this option to connect my S3 to PC.
Go to Settings >>> Developer options >> Go to Debugging. Tick - Use debugging.
Now connect Samsung Galaxy S3 to PC, it will be detected.
Select a connection method:
• Media device (MTP): Transfer media files with Windows, or
using Android file transfer on a Mac
• Camera (PTP): Transfer photos using camera software, and
transfer files to computers that do not support MTP.
This is somehow limited connection but OK.
I use AIRDROID via WiFi etc. for many Document file transfers.