My Droid is finally showing its age, dented, chipped paint, battery cover doesn't sit right, charger doesn't always work right or reboots the phone(I now carry my dock because it will only charge with that) and now I'm doing almost 2+ battery pulls a day because I'll get the " ghost". I was hoping to find an x, incredible or Droid/2 for $100 or less as my upgrade falls in March right around when the etna is said to be released and I'll be getting that. If anyone knows of a good deal on their local craigslist or something please let me know. everything in my area is 200+, even the D1, anything I found at 100 or less was bad esn or damaged/ parts only. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1Ghz
Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1Ghz