Have you had any hands on time with any other phone? I recommend you go check them out in the store and decide for yourself. Any of the phones now will have no problem lasting 2yrs if not longer.
As for quadcore phones, all I can say is ICS is optimized for dual core so the hardware would be ahead of the software. No one knows when the next android os will be released either. If you think quad core is worth waiting for then by all means wait. I'm happy with my Nexus and knowing it will last me 2yrs and probably longer while still being able to run against the newer phones coming out
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As much is I would want a quad core phone and will probably get one when they come out, in all honestly, what do we really need one for anyway? These are phones, dual cores probably plenty fast enough for whatever we could throw at them. I wouldn't get too caught up on it. Plus knowing Verizon what are the odds were going to get a quad core before the end of the year anyway? Lets just say Im not holding my breath
I just got a Rezound, haven't gotten it yet though. I went on and looked at them all and the Rezound felt the best to me. It comes with a decent pair of headphones, supposedly has a really nice screen, a good radio and a nice camera. Its also fairly tweakable. Yes the Nexus is more tweakable, but the Nexus is also a hundred dollars more. For the price I got I couldn't pass on the Rezound.
I tried to talk myself into the Nexus because of the extreme customizability and potential resale value, but I couldn't get over the possible signal issues it may have and some of the other major gripes about the phone. Also I wasnt happy with the phone when it was announced as I didn't feel like the hardware was on par with what the phone was supposed to be, it should have been tops in everything and it was just par for the course.
The Razr is a nice phone but for me its a little too wide and too thin. A case makes it feel good in the hand, but its still too wide. Also its probably is, or at least will be, the least customizable of them all. Even still though there are and will be good ROMS for it, just not as many. I wouldn't let the non removable battery thing bother you too much, its not gonna go bad and even if it does by that time youll be needing a new phone anyway.
I do like the Maxx, the bigger battery gives it the heft and size that makes it feel good in the hand, but I think its too expensive for what you get, which is only an extended battery and a case for a hundred extra dollars? Yeah no thanks.