Help! Can't activate DROID after factory reset.


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Twin Cities
Do I have any hope of getting this fixed immediately? When I click on "Activate", it asks me if I'm changing phones, I MUST power off my old phone. Then it says please hold while we gather some information. Then it goes silent for a moment, then it says it's sorry but they are unable to program my phone at this time. It gives me an 800 number to dial, but they are only open from 6:00-11:00AM. Yikes!

Am I doing something wrong?

dont worry about it and try again's verizon doing an update or something...i tried this with both my rooted and wifes unrooted droid with no success...try again in the morning...should work..
Don't want to wait until morning. Wanted Froyo running when I got to work. :(

I realize that's probably the only answer, but that BLOWS!!! :(
skip account sign in and allow google to sync...i did this and although verizon would not let me "activate or update my roaming" i was able to place and receive calls once the phone was done syncing....

oh and your welcome, just glad i could ease your pain :)
You can get past the activation screen by tapping in all four corners (don't hit the ANDOIRD GUY!) : )
had the same issue.. fixed it about 30 minutes ago.. servers are back up.. someone should really put in the FAQs for these ROMs and RADIO updates that its not wise to try and update them between about 2am - 4am Central.
I am also having the same issue in regard to phone activation. You definitely aren't alone. Damn verizon servers.
*22899 isn't working either. Just gives activation unsuccessful over and over.

Update: *22899 finally activated my Motorola Droid. Now it's time for bed.
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