Google Maps


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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I am having major issues with Google maps this morning. I just can’t seem to get it working correctly.

First thing was my Trapster app wouldn't connect to the server so I did a quick reboot. After that it connected but my location on GPS seemed to be based off my brother’s location in California. I live in Phoenix :icon_eek:.... So while I was driving here in Phoenix it showed me moving over open water, crossing over where there are no roads etc in California.

The reason I think it based my start location off my brothers is because I started using that Latitude function like 2 weeks ago and my brother is the only person its connected to and like I said he lives in Cali.

I closed Google maps repeatedly and shut off GPS along with using a task killer app to try to clear it out. After that it wouldn't even show a GPS connection. Just said "Waiting for location", then "Your current location is temporarily unavailable". Two more hard resets later it stopped doing that and moved the screen over the Pacific Ocean and apparently I was driving across that... Then finally back to "Your current location is temporarily unavailable".

Anyone else having issues with Google maps more then normal today?
Forget it...

I just installed the ultimate droid ROM and its cool now.
When I open Google maps with the 5.1 App my phone either forecloses or puts it in a state of shutdown where it has to reboot. What is up with this? Seems like it has been doing it for a month or so.
This may have been happening in previous versions of Google maps... but i updated this afternoon and now Gmaps is ALWAYS running in the backround. Is the new? and is it possible to only have it running when, or atleast after i actually use it?
How do you know it's always running in the background? GPS? Settings-applications-running?
Well yesterday my droid was really running slow... then at some point in the afternoon i realized that the GPS indicator in the status bar was on so while investigating that i wound up seeing Gmaps in the running services (and i had not used it). I tried to stop it, but it immediately restarts.

Now normally i don't bother with watching what programs are running, android has always seemed to do a good job keeping resources free. However after seeing it as a running service and not having a ton of ram to spare i wanted to reclaim the 7-8MB it was using.

After some experimenting it seems to be linked to the 'Use wireless networks' for my location settings. turned it off and Gmaps is no longer is shown as a running service. Now to see if it's worth while leaving it off...
Well yesterday my droid was really running slow... then at some point in the afternoon i realized that the GPS indicator in the status bar was on so while investigating that i wound up seeing Gmaps in the running services (and i had not used it). I tried to stop it, but it immediately restarts.

Now normally i don't bother with watching what programs are running, android has always seemed to do a good job keeping resources free. However after seeing it as a running service and not having a ton of ram to spare i wanted to reclaim the 7-8MB it was using.

After some experimenting it seems to be linked to the 'Use wireless networks' for my location settings. turned it off and Gmaps is no longer is shown as a running service. Now to see if it's worth while leaving it off...

OK. That's why I asked. Not going into too much detail... the Android environment tries to help out app developers. There are set variables that are available to all apps. So if you want to have a calendar inside your shopping list app that you're writing, instead of having to code an entire calendar, you can just borrow the native calendar data in Android.

The same thing is true to things such as GPS coordinates, time, phone state (on call or not), volume levels, etc. So, just because "google maps" is running and your GPS icon is on, doesn't mean that Maps is actually running, but could mean that something else is using location data on your phone. Do you use as your home page in any browser? I have had a problem where it tries to get my location when I go back to the homepage, but I exit out of the app before it can acquire that location and gets stuck. If you go back into the browser, in this case, and let it acquire you location, or tell it to refresh, then exit the app, it goes away.

Also, a restart every now and again can help this kind of thing. Are you running any other programs that may need your location to operate? Latitude? Facebook Check-In, etc.?
I never even thought about dev's using native android services... and after some more experimenting i think it is due to Juice Plotter. It uses location services to automatically enable disable wifi. i guess it's been like that for awhile. Like i said i only really started looking at running services cause my phone seemed laggy, and that could have been due to many other things.
I never even thought about dev's using native android services... and after some more experimenting i think it is due to Juice Plotter. It uses location services to automatically enable disable wifi. i guess it's been like that for awhile. Like i said i only really started looking at running services cause my phone seemed laggy, and that could have been due to many other things.

It's good to take a peek at what is running, but understanding how things interrelate is important. That's why task killers are often counter productive. Froyo and forward, Android does a much better job of managing its own memory. Just killing apps will not necessarily help anything, and in some cases you'll make your situation worse, because then the app has to start back up.

Glad you're on a path to figure it out. Good luck.
That happened with mine the other day (after the update now that I think about it. Just say there constantly trying to acquire a signal and drained a good portion of my battery. A reboot didn't even fix the issue. I just turned GPS off. I haven't tried turning it back on since. Maybe I will now after reading this and see what happens.
I've trying to save my current location in google maps, but save favorite place option isn't shown. ¿what should i do?.

I'm using google maps version 7.2.0
First, welcome to the forum.

The address of the current location should be shown at the bottom of the screen. If you long press the address, it gives you the option to "save" that location.

Please try that and report back with your results.