Near the end of battery life, your voltage in the cells remains pretty constant, but the current capacity is severely diminished, and no longer has the 'power' to provide the phone with its demands for that current.
A charged battery has plenty of 'reserve' capacity for on-demand applications the phone needs, such as ensuring the phone's receiver/transmitter are being fed enough current to maintain a link with the tower, as well as run the audio drivers so you can hear the conversation, as well as the screen's backlighting, touch controls and of course, the CPU/GPU. All these components require current to operate, and as the battery drains, the capability of the battery to supply the proper amount of current for the phone, is also diminishing, and appears to 'die' faster as the battery's life is near its end.
Connect a meter in series with the battery, so you can measure the actual current draw of the phone. Your meter must be capable of reading under 1 Amp, and display current in at least the Millivolt scale as well.
Autoranging DMMs are good choices for this. First test, is reading the actual capacity of the battery, then check current draw during boot, then once that is done, place a call, and once you connect, check current draw, note the rise in current demand for the battery. hat can be a baseline reading, and will change if you use your phone in poor service areas, as the nearest tower will command your phone to either increase or decrease its transmit power depending on what the tower hears from your phone's link to the serving tower. The better the connection, the less transmitter power your phone uses, which also means less current demand from the battery, and more talk time!
Monitoring current consumption is always a good thing. Improper charging habits can ruin a battery in a short span of time. Excessive heat, leaving the phone connected to the charger and using it this way, because the as the phone uses battery power, when the charge controller senses a need for current, it will turn on the charging system and draw from the wall charger. Never allowing a battery to fully cycle from full to almost depleted, can also decrease battery life, but it is also a good idea to never fully drain Lithium Ion/Polymer batteries, as they do not suffer from memory effect losses like Nickel cadmium cells were well known to do.
A good example of poor battery maintenance are your common home 'cordless' phones. Many people have the sitting in the charging cradle 24 hours a day, the phone rings, they talk for 3 minutes, and place the phone back in that cradle, the battery is charging again, but never cycled to ensure proper life expectancy.....and 6 months or so later, the battery can no longer stay charged and 'needs' replacing. A waste of money that can easily be avoided, if you remove the phone from the cradle and allow it to drain, and charge it only when it needs charging.
This same process is also required for cellphones. Don't 'bake' your batteries, never short the contacts, as this will destroy any battery.
Again, once the battery is almost fully discharged, the ability of the battery to supply the proper current required by the phone, has dropped to 'dangerous' levels, which is why they appear to die faster, the reason being, they have almost nothing left to draw from, the battery is in effect, near death.
When the indicator changes color, swap batteries, or charge the phone, don't keep trying to chew up every milliamp of current, charge the battery.
If you charge your batteries outside your phone, on what I call 'brute force' charging systems, you are doing more damage to the battery than allowing them to take 3-4 hours to recharge.
The reason being, is that brute force chargers charge with high current all the way to the end of the capacity of the battery, and may begin to trickle charge the remaining 10%, but not all do this.
The heat generated can destroy a battery over time, and with enough brute force chargings, you may find yourself buying far more batteries than you really should.
And to those reading: Merry Christmas to all!