General review, complaints, and info

Anyone else having issues with their text msg's lagging when trying to type a text? Started happening a few days ago and a reboot is usually a temp fix. Is this a known memory issue?
WiFi and VZW radio reception & Battery Cover

Does anyone else notice a drop in reception (WiFi & 'regular bars) when they touch the the battery cover? I was less than 15' away from my router, and notices I'd go from full WiFi to 0-1 arcs, and 3 bars to 2/1 bar when I let my finger touch the battery cover. It was obvious, touch - drop, let go - back to normal, rinse, repeat.

Makes me want to get a non conductive case (which I want to avoid, prefer to use a belt case with dress pants.)
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Yeah the connector for the antennae is built on the battery cover. I guess that is the problem.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
I have a silicone case and I don't drop WiFi or signal from holding the phone in any way. But my signal didn't drop when I had my case off either.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
Yes, building the antenna into the battery cover wasn't the best design. I haven't noticed any obvious drops in either signal, but I'm using a silicon case. The casing shouldn't make a difference though.

Just remember not to remove the battery cover for any reason if you are on a call or are expecting a call because you will lose your reception.
just tested this. Doesn't make a bit of difference on mine, not touching the phone, grabbing the cover, taking the cover off... all still 3 bars.
I removed and replaced my cover. Seems to have resolved the issue. I suspect dust.

- Powered by 1.21 Gigawatts of Android.
I guess this explains why when I got my TB activated at the Verizon store, it took them almost 30 minutes to activate it. The rep said that they were having problems with the SIM cards and left the battery cover off and the phone kept losing signal and couldn't get connect to 3G at all.
My Proposal for Those Complaining and Bragging

For both sides:

If you're going to talk about your battery include:

1. How long it lasted (ex.10 hours)
2. How long your screen was on (ex. 2 hours)
3. What you use (3G, 4G, or WiFi)

This will cut down on these types of people (you know who you are):

1. "My battery lasts for 18 hours take yours back quit complaining"
2. "I only get 4 hours of battery help"

Instead we should see:
1. My battery lasts for 18 hours with the screen on for an hour all on 3G
2. My battery lasts 4 hours with the screen on for 3 all on 4G

Agree? Disagree? Post away

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
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4. Brightness setting.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
well, i think that setting your brightness to 20% is hard to read and text is straining my eyes to read. i have to squint when its at 20% or so.

now, i dont have my **** jacked up to 100% brightness, but i always keep it within the 45-60% range. the lower the screen brightness the more easier it is to notice a difference. once you get past 60% or so the screen doesnt rally get much brighter just more vibrant. but too vibrant.

so for a general rule instead of number 4, we should just assume that their brightness is at 50%.

if you have to kill your phone in order to get through the day, return the phone. get a flip phone lol
Unless your outdoors on a sunny day 30-40% is more than enough indoors

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
I guess this explains why when I got my TB activated at the Verizon store, it took them almost 30 minutes to activate it. The rep said that they were having problems with the SIM cards and left the battery cover off and the phone kept losing signal and couldn't get connect to 3G at all.

- Powered by 1.21 Gigawatts of Android.
I agree with the OP. It doesn't help much when people post comments on their battery without telling what they do that they get those hours. It'll help the troubleshooting process plenty.
Ok, Let me ask if this is good...19 hours unplugged at 61%.

I have checked my email about 5 times, have sent and received about 50 texts or more. Have made about 5-6 (2 min phone calls). And went on facebook about 10 mins total and left a few comments. Watched a 3 min youtube video.

I bump charged (slightly) I shut off phone, let it charge (charged fully again in 3 mins) and then turned on and charged again after 2 mins, charged for like 3 mins and was full.

Only used 3G because I have been at home.

When I watched the youtube video though, I dropped 2% in two mins, and another percent when it was idle (i checked it a min after watching video)

This is not bad...but the battery on this phone is just unstable. If you use it heavily it will last u 2-3 hours. But if you don't really use it you can get two days