Fix coming for Droid 2 Overclock App by JRummy


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Just wanted to let you droid 2 users know that I made a huge 2 character messup in my code. I'm uploading a fix right now and any problems you had should be resolved.. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Just wanted to let you droid 2 users know that I made a huge 2 character messup in my code. I'm uploading a fix right now and any problems you had should be resolved.. Sorry for the inconvenience!

When do you expect for it to be up?
I still don't see it fixed for the Droid to. I see the update but my d2 still reboots after voltage selection.
Reboot city over here.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
How many of you installed the Unstable Apps version before installing JRummy's?

Thats what I did, and I wonder if there is a connection to the reboot.
Possibly interference with Epic ROM?

This app was working just fine for me before the update, however, I switched ROMS before trying it out after the update also...

I was running the new Fission 1.1 and the app worked perfectly, however, when I switched back to Epic Unleashed 2.5 and I tried to use it, it reboots me immediately... I'm not sure if it's something in the update, but it could very well be some sort of counter-action with Epic as well...

has anyone else noticed this??

Even though this app is still a a little buggy, it's to be expected as the Droid 2 has only been overclocked now for less than a week... I'm definitely not uninstalling this as the developer has a great rep, and I know it will get better with time ;) Well worth $0.99 to me =)
Seems to me like it only works on fission. I'm not quite sure I want to put a ROM on yet. So that's why I uninstalled. If I do decide to ROM it, I'll buy it again.
Well JRummy released another update... it no longer reboots but I am not seeing the actual overclocking in set CPU. Says in the comments still working out some bugs so hopefully he gets it going. Glad no more reboot. Means he's close.
Well JRummy released another update... it no longer reboots but I am not seeing the actual overclocking in set CPU. Says in the comments still working out some bugs so hopefully he gets it going. Glad no more reboot. Means he's close.

That's exactly what I'm getting. Are you on the stock rom?