Fix coming for Droid 2 Overclock App by JRummy

Shouldn't need to reboot. Menu/device selection/autodetect speeds recommended.
this will reset setcpu.
The newest update works for me. I'm on the stock ROM. Running @ 1.3ULV
I had issues on my D2 on the original software version from jrummy, when I tried to change the CPU speed, my phone would reboot, and the change would not stick. Now, after the version (1.1.5), my phone no longer reboots, and SetCPU verifies that the changes are taking effect.
Just installed today on the Stock ROM and it's working great! I've been using 1.25 GHz Low Volt for a few hours now and I've noticed the increase in speed. Quadrant has too, boosting my score a couple hundred points. Nice to see that Nexus One beneath my device for once. No force closes yet on anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Question which on is better the one from unstable apps or jrummy?
i bought the one from unstable apps by mistake and just want to know the difference ?
You can get a refund if its been less than a day

From my D2, via TapaTalk
I think the one from Jrummy is better looking and has way more choices. It's good if you don't know how to set presets. Also it does build.prop tweaks.
so how stable are these applications now? been waiting for the bugs to get worked out before i throw in for an overclocker
I've been running jrummy stable for at least a day now. I like it, especially the additional options. It feels and looks cleaner.

From my D2, via TapaTalk
jumped on the jrummy bandwagon and set a 1.25 @low voltage got a quadrant score of 1660! running stable as of now, hopefully battery life is drastically affected