Hey guys, running here Sapphire 1.0 along with the revolution theme. I've spent quite a bit of time searching around the forums but can't seem to find a solution for my problems.
1) Facebook won't update 1.3.2 - it'll say "the package file was not signed correctly"
2) The time is absent from the top right corner. It just appears to be a blank space where the time should be. Reinstall the theme maybe?
Also, a quick note. I understand that once I update the facebook app, it'll most likely undo the theme of the widget. Is there a way to retheme it with the revolution theme or am a out of luck until the dev does?
Apologies in advance if I somehow passed recent threads with solutions to these problems.
1) Facebook won't update 1.3.2 - it'll say "the package file was not signed correctly"
2) The time is absent from the top right corner. It just appears to be a blank space where the time should be. Reinstall the theme maybe?
Also, a quick note. I understand that once I update the facebook app, it'll most likely undo the theme of the widget. Is there a way to retheme it with the revolution theme or am a out of luck until the dev does?
Apologies in advance if I somehow passed recent threads with solutions to these problems.
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