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[ROM] Eclipse 2.2.2 .906


Premium Member
Premium Member
Ported from nitroglycerin's Eclispe 2.2 stable build 7for Bionic to Droid 3

this is to carry on where X13thangleX left off...........

updated to the official OTA 5.7.906 base.
Blur pretty much gone....

OVERCLOCKED to 1.2 (if your phone has constant reboots use 1.1 version, some GB bases do not like the 1.2) also now included a non overclocked version....

I also rethemed this to an "ICS" stlye, using some AOSP ICS images and a couple from the Mav rom ics theme

Build.prop edits to speed up and for better preformance

DO NOT use v6 or any of the other battery saver scripts.

Gingerbread Moto Blur 906 based cleaned up Moto experience with a few modded goodies.

  • Deodexed
  • Zipaligned
  • Bloat Removed
  • A lot of blur has been removed
  • AOSP/CM7 mms
  • ICS music
  • AOSP gallery3D
  • Eclipse Launcher2
  • CM7 file manager
  • CM7 Email
  • CM7 alarm clock/deskclock
  • AOSP news & weather
  • AOSP calendar inverted
  • AOSP Camera
  • DSP Manager
  • Accurate Battery
  • CRT Animation ON and OFF (even with animations set to fast)
  • Reboot/recovery/screenshot options
  • Accurate battery - 1%
  • Misc prop edits
  • Custom Host File
  • GPS config changes
  • Appwidget Picker - boombuler
  • Download crutch to help with web downloads
  • Busy Box
  • init.d support
  • ICS deskclock widget
  • ICS Inspired bootanimation
  • Custom blue theme throughout
  • Eclipse Wallpapers
  • Eclipse Parts
  • Tab lockscreen, rotary lockscreen - thanks to kejar and liberty team for the source!
  • Lockscreen music controls - thanks to liberty for the source
  • Inverted Contacts/Dialer - thanks to xkape for the help
  • Inverted Performance manager - xkape
  • Native Facebook for android integration
  • 7 pulldown toggles (wireless, bluetooth, gps, sound/vibrate, auto brightness, data, and rotation)
Changelog from stock deodexed:
  • Appwidgetpicker
  • Download crutch
  • Rooted with Superuser preinstalled
  • Blur components removed
  • Calculator - themed
  • AOSP deskclock/alarmclock - themed
  • AOSP email - themed
  • AOSP calendar - themed
  • AOSP Gallery 3D - themed
  • Camera - with hacked preview gallery - themed (needs tested!)
  • AOSP Cardock
  • AOSP MMS - themed
  • Google Play Music
  • Custom GPS config
  • init.d support
  • Webtop hack (needs tested) - do not test on safestrap
  • Docking options should only present webtop and clock (other)
  • Eclipse Launcher2
  • Eclipse Wallpapers
  • AOSP news/weather
  • Backup assistant should be removed from Accounts and Sync (shortcut needs created in settings)
Stable Build07
  • Removed AOSP lockscreens/music controls (which means these options do nothing in eclipse parts)
  • Removed CRT ON animation
  • Removed some leftover Verizon services and their associated jar files
  • Revert eclipse parts back to build05
Thx and credits ..... sparkyman, check_my_email, nitroglycerin, X13thangleX, guidot

Install Instructions

1... download rom
2... wipe cache/factory reset at least 3 times!
3... wipe dalvick as many times as your wiped
4... falsh rom (saftestrap)
5... reboot
6... enjoy

IF you get constant reboots, your phone will not run the 1.2 overclock and you need to repeat the process with the 1.1 overclocked version
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Screen ....

Just one for now and one more....

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
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Screen ....

Just one for now

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

I don't know if I got a bad download or what, but when I flashed this I got stuck at the open keyboard screen when I log into my google account. I started over and did the same thing again. I skipped the setup screen by touching all four corners around the android, and then it just rebooted and kept rebooting. I wiped data/factory reset, wiped cache, and wiped dalvik cache. Any suggestions?
My guess is you need the 1.1 version. Pm me ill send u link

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
No issues so far. Installed this morning. Running fast and smooth. Thanks for this and all your hard work.......

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
I'm getting force reboots when trying to restore my settings with Titanium.

I'm in the process of re-wiping and trying again.
I'm getting force reboots when trying to restore my settings with Titanium.

I'm in the process of re-wiping and trying again.

Ti is worthless

Don't use it

Also don't use v6 or another script it will disable all the overclocking scripts

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
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Titanium Backup is useless? Are you sure we're talking about the same program here? I haven't done anything with overclocking or v6 so far. All I've done is tried to restore my backed up settings with Titanium Backup.
Yes I know it well creates more problems than its worth. Any of these settings, system settings? There's alot of build.prop edits in this rom. Its overclocked to 1.2 by default.

What "settings" are you trying to restore?

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Applications, SMS, Email accounts, app settings... All the things that save me hours of time when trying out a new ROM :)
Sms is a different version depending on what rom u came from, so is email, APPS should restore from market,

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
I use GO SMS for my sms program, but what I'm actually talking about is restoring the actual SMS messages. I'll attempt to restore all apps from the market first, and then try to restore missing app data and see if that works.

It's just a pain to do each individually. Not that I'm complaining, just making sure I'm not doing something else wrong.
No its Prolly just not liking the Ti restore its a finicky beast with so much blur take out

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
It just had another force reboot just while trying to update from the market. Wiping one more time, this time not even installing Ti to see if that clears up my issues.