Eclipse v3.0
Port of nitroglycerine33's Bionic rom
Port of nitroglycerine33's Bionic rom
*** OVERCLOCKED versions and non overclocked version ***
General Overview
Gingerbread Moto Blur 906 based cleaned up Moto experience with a few modded goodies.
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- Bloat Removed
- A lot of blur has been removed
- AOSP/CM7 mms
- ICS music
- AOSP gallery3D
- Eclipse Launcher2
- CM7 file manager
- CM7 Email
- CM7 alarm clock/deskclock
- AOSP news & weather
- AOSP calendar inverted
- AOSP Camera
- DSP Manager
- Accurate Battery
- CRT Animation ON and OFF (even with animations set to fast)
- Reboot/recovery/screenshot options
- Accurate battery - 1%
- Misc prop edits
- Custom Host File
- GPS config changes
- Appwidget Picker - boombuler
- Download crutch to help with web downloads
- BusyBox
- init.d support
- ICS deskclock widget
- ICS Inspired bootanimation
- Custom blue theme throughout
- Eclipse Wallpapers
- Eclipse Parts
- Inverted Contacts/Dialer - thanks to xkape for the help
- Inverted Performance manager - xkape
- Native Facebook for android integration
- 7 pulldown toggles (wireless, bluetooth, gps, sound/vibrate, auto brightness, data, airplane mode and rotation)
- 8 lockscreens (Moto lock, rotary, rotary revamped, AOSP (tab), lense, ring lock, 4 tab, honeycomb lock) thanks to kejar and liberty team for the source!
- Lockscreen music controls
Added 8 lockscreen mod (ported from liberty source)
Updated base to 905
removed blur
menu buttons and added the stock buttons
Updates to the theme
Toggles now scroll left/right to view more
Added latest swype beta and themed to match
Cleaned up Eclipse Settings
Added new gps configs to help get a better lock
Added back DLNA per requests
Updated Google Apps/Market Apps
Cleaned up status bar look
Thx and credits .....
sparkyman, check_my_email, nitroglycerin, X13thangelX, guidot
Install Instructions
1... download rom
2... wipe cache/factory reset at least 3 times!
3... wipe dalvik as many times as you wiped
4... flash rom (safestrap)
5... reboot
6... enjoy
IF you get constant reboots, your phone will not run the 1.2 overclock and you need to repeat the process with the 1.1 overclocked version and if that still doesn't work. you need the non overclocked version.............
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