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Droid4 ICS 206 Leak root hack, FINALLY.


See this thread on XDA for the original generic ICS root method [ROOT][HOW-TO]Working Root Method for ICS 4.0.4 - xda-developers

An automated script has been written that installs and verifies the version.

  1. Download the zip or gz file below.
  2. Unpack to any convenient directory or folder.
  3. Open directory and double click on "menu.bat" (Windows) or "./root.sh" *Nix
  4. Double check you phone has USB Debugging enabled.
  5. Double check your USB mode is set to CAMERA (may not be necessary)
  6. Plug in your phone and press enter when it asks you to...
  7. If running Linux make sure Android SDK or Android platform-tools is installed

Download the latest version of the zip hack from my site Index of /.
Newest versions:

Added a menu for windows batch file, option to update busybox, unroot, install Superuser, install Titanium backup, install rootkeeper, install OTA Rootkeeper etc.

Now installs the latest version of Busybox:
BusyBox v1.8.1 (2007-11-14 10:11:37 EST) multi-call binary
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, and others.
Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for full notice.

Before you run this hack make sure your phone is in USB Debugging mode (Menu-Settings-My Phone-Developer options). It might also need to be in "Camera" sdcard mode (pull down notifications and make sure it says "as camera" NOT "Mass Storage"). The original method from XDA copied files to sdcard first but this hack doesn't so it probably doesn't matter how the sdcard is mounted. If it gets messed up and drops a lot of errors it's safe to run it a few times. It deletes all temporary files each time so you may need to run it a couple times if you ran it without debugging mode enabled. Just check for root after each run.

You can install Busybox package (creates symlinks in /system/xbin) HERE

What are all those symlinks in my system/xbin directory pointing to busybox after I install the busybox app?

Busybox runs as a normal utility when run from command prompt. In command mode you must supply a tool or applet name as a command-line parameter. When it is symlinked, however, it gets it's tool/applet name from the symlink name so a symlink of "ls->busybox" runs "busybox ls" and a symlink of "zcat->buxybox" runs "busybox zcat". That makes it a much more useful tool because it's easier to use and it doesn't duplicate existing system tools.

Install Superuser from store HERE
Titanium Backup is available HERE.
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The root method referred to in the link works on ICS leak 208.

Did you retain root or use the XDA script?

I need feedback so I know this zip works for others. I'm freaked, this is my first script/hack posted so I want to be sure it works OK. I'm terribly forgetful about things like already having SDK installed.
You can't retain root going from leak to leak,. I used the Unstick method to go from 206 to 208 and used the script provided in XDA to root.

I didn't use your script so I can't comment on its effectiveness.
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I'd like to add that you may have to download superuser from the market, I had to. This was also mentioned in the original thread.

EDIT: Others had to download SU too, so it should be added to the instructions.
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I'd like to add that you may have to download superuser from the market, I had to. This was also mentioned in the original thread.

Thanks, I added a link to Google Play for Superuser. I think it's better to install busybox from Google Play rather than the single binary that's been "floating" around. The toolbox version has individual binaries compiled for android and it seems to work better. It's also easier to install. Did you try this or did you follow the original thread instructions? I really want to make sure it works for other people. I mounted /system rw and deleted su then re-ran the install and it worked for me but there are always "issues to deal with". :)
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EDIT: Others had to download SU too, so it should be added to the instructions.

You mean Busybox? Su is the target of the hack!? I didn't include busybox because the store version is better but I did add a link. The single binary version is hobbled without the utilities.

The su that's installed is the latest version from "Superuser".
You mean Busybox? Su is the target of the hack!? I didn't include busybox because the store version is better but I did add a link. The single binary version is hobbled without the utilities.

The su that's installed is the latest version from "Superuser".
I read on XDA that you have to have busybox to install ICS Safestrap, so might as well install it too.
I read on XDA that you have to have busybox to install ICS Safestrap, so might as well install it too.

I added the latest version of busybox to the install script. This isn't aimed directly at you but in case someone wants to update to the latest version it's included here.

The busybox app creates separate symlinks to busybox creating a host of new commands so the commands are available without having to run it separately. However, the version it installs is not the latest stable version. I'll add a menu to the script when I get a chance to update to the latest stable version.

To update to the latest stable Busybox binary do this:

On your computer:

Download the latest busybox binary from HERE or HERE and save it where it's easy to find.
Run CMD (win) or Terminal (*nix) and do this:

cd [COLOR=#ff0000]/path.to.busybox/[/COLOR]
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/

Run a shell on your phone:
adb shell

Do this:
mount -o remount,rw /system
rm /system/xbin/busybox   # it might not be here so if this fails, do the next line
rm /system/bin/busybox    # somtimes its located here
mv /data/local/tmp/busybox /system/xbin/busybox
chmod 0755 /system/xbin/busybox
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/busybox
busybox  ### This should give you a list of commands and the version your are running
mount -o remount,ro /system

You now have the latest version of busybox on your phone. The symlinks that the BUSYBOX App creates will still work just fine. You can also uninstall the app when you are done and busybox will stay installed.
I'm lost man...when verizon updates everyones phone to go to ics, will I lose my root and my cm9 rom?

Root, probably but you can re-root it using this script from this thread or one of the other ICS root scripts if this doesn't work.

CM9? Yes too. You won't be able to run the Gingerbread version of CM9 on ICS but if you'll be patient there will be a CM9 version for ICS out soon. I imagine the authors are working madly to update it as we speak. CM9 won't run because of the differences between the ICS and GB systems. ICS is a major update to the Operating System, not just a minor bug fix or app install. It basically reinstalls the entire OS. It installs a new kernel, a new C Library version which effects most of the system utilities and probably a whole bunch of updated, recompiled Operating System parts. They apparently also removed BLUR as a desktop. It also includes a new WebTop version and a bunch of different bloatware/adware.

And, it's not verizon that's doing the update, it's Motorola aka MotoVerizon.
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Root, probably but you can re-root it using this script from this thread or one of the other ICS root scripts if this doesn't work.

CM9? Yes too. You won't be able to run the Gingerbread version of CM9 on ICS but if you'll be patient there will be a CM9 version for ICS out soon. I imagine the authors are working madly to update it as we speak. CM9 won't run because of the differences between the ICS and GB systems. ICS is a major update to the Operating System, not just a minor bug fix or app install. It basically reinstalls the entire OS. It installs a new kernel, a new C Library version which effects most of the system utilities and probably a whole bunch of updated, recompiled Operating System parts. They apparently also removed BLUR as a desktop. It also includes a new WebTop version and a bunch of different bloatware/adware.

And, it's not verizon that's doing the update, it's Motorola aka MotoVerizon.
Man that rooting process seems like a pain..mainly cause i don't have a pc to do that with.. but thanks for ur reply