New Member
Hey guys. I've recently flash MIUI & everything was well & working....until *dun dun dun*
I was attempting to install & run the supercharge script. I downloaded the busybox installer like the instructions told me to, but when it was downloading & installing the busybox the busybox installer app force closed (Thanks MIUI...) so now all my permissions & root stuff is screwed up.
For example: Busybox installer wont even run anymore, it says "root access not detected"
Root explorer will simply blackscreen then force close.
Rom manager is unable to fix permissions It says "an error occurred while attempting to run a privileged command"
I installed Terminal emulator & was able to pass the "su" command & it gave me the "#" sign. I don't know if that is of any relevance. I'm not familiar with linux commands.
I still have the superuser app icon & it will run.
Any ideas of how to fix the half-installed, force-closed busybox?
*EDIT* I downloaded and ran Root check:
It says "Congratulations! You have root access!
Superuser.apk - - is NOT installed!
The application Superuser is rcommended as it provides basic security and is available for free in the Android Market
Root user id: uid=0(root)
Root group id:
But the busybox check part says:
"Installed Busybox Version:
Busybox is not sharing its version information
Busybox supports the following applets:
Busybox is not sharing its supported applets"
I also downloaded the other busybox installer by stericson & it will not work either, it says:
"No Remount
Failure! /system/xbin/ could not be remounted as RW!
This is FATAL and we cannot recover!
We have died.
Send a log to"
Also, ROM manager will not boot into recovery mode....well, it does but it doesn't. The 2nd init version wont load, when I try it just boots into the older recovery (green text).
I was attempting to install & run the supercharge script. I downloaded the busybox installer like the instructions told me to, but when it was downloading & installing the busybox the busybox installer app force closed (Thanks MIUI...) so now all my permissions & root stuff is screwed up.
For example: Busybox installer wont even run anymore, it says "root access not detected"
Root explorer will simply blackscreen then force close.
Rom manager is unable to fix permissions It says "an error occurred while attempting to run a privileged command"
I installed Terminal emulator & was able to pass the "su" command & it gave me the "#" sign. I don't know if that is of any relevance. I'm not familiar with linux commands.
I still have the superuser app icon & it will run.
Any ideas of how to fix the half-installed, force-closed busybox?
*EDIT* I downloaded and ran Root check:
It says "Congratulations! You have root access!
Superuser.apk - - is NOT installed!
The application Superuser is rcommended as it provides basic security and is available for free in the Android Market
Root user id: uid=0(root)
Root group id:
But the busybox check part says:
"Installed Busybox Version:
Busybox is not sharing its version information
Busybox supports the following applets:
Busybox is not sharing its supported applets"
I also downloaded the other busybox installer by stericson & it will not work either, it says:
"No Remount
Failure! /system/xbin/ could not be remounted as RW!
This is FATAL and we cannot recover!
We have died.
Send a log to"
Also, ROM manager will not boot into recovery mode....well, it does but it doesn't. The 2nd init version wont load, when I try it just boots into the older recovery (green text).
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