Regarding the ICS update for Droid X2: I recently had a lengthy email discussion about this subject with a Motorola Rep. In the beginning, I was getting the same response from him that I have gotten from Verizon and every other Moto Rep that I have spoken with. However, I was persistent and bluntly told him exactly what my suspicions were regarding Motorola and Verizon's vague answers regarding the update. After some back and forth, he told me the following:
"Regarding the possibility of the ICS on a Droid X2, its definitely possible." .... "Honestly, I am already running ICS on my Droid X2 but there are still a lot of bugs like for wifi, camera, data connectivity even the general sluggishness of the phone when running apps. This is not a Motorola released update. When I put the phone back to its original 2.3.4 version and everything works fine again. Please take note that I cannot give you information on how you can do that to your phone. I am not permitted to since this can cause serious damage on the phone and may render it unusable."
Of course, you can take all of that for what it's worth, but I have read a couple of brief mentions on the internet about the instability and sluggishness of the ICS update on the Droid X and X2. I just wanted someone to say something that mattered, and that is not to say that he wasn't just telling me something to get rid of me and to perpetuate the myth that the X-phones would get the update. I would think that for fear of consumer revolt, they would at least make some effort to update the software. However, their unwillingness to simply come forward and admit "no update" or at least go public with what their intentions are speaks volumes. Vaguely worded responses from Motorola or someone "in the loop", be it in an email like mine or a Better Business Bureau complaint, is not really the kind of answer that is needed by owners of these phones.
As for me, I have come to the conclusion that when my upgrade date comes, if I want a phone that has current features and software, I will just get another phone. Of course, consumers buying newer, more expensive phones while keeping others waiting is probably their reasoning behind dragging it out. Ultimately, profitability rules the day for both Motorola and Verizon. But rest assured, I will not have another Motorola phone because of this problem as well as others (sluggishness, freezing, battery life, etc). My biggest problem with all of this is that my phone is NOT that old and it bothers me that after such a short period of time the phone is outdated. I will just keep watching, reading, and waiting to see what happens.