No I don't think so, for me it's been a pleasure. I went in for an original X and they pushed the 2 so I got it. Sounds like you have a bad units, it's not unknown for a couple of units to be bad, odd, not common that's for sure. I once found thousands of of bad part at work once. our entire stock was bad, someone at the factory packed the wrong part in the wrong box. The problem went all the way back to Japan, what a cluster F.
I love music, podcasts and audible books and I listen over headphones, car tape/dongle and BT, I've never had pauses pops or clicks. I do have BT problems, dropped connections and sometimes the audio only works though the device speaker, until I close and restar the app.
The real point is your opinion! (do you really care what we think?)
If you love the phone, you love it and forgive it's foibles.
If it irritates you every time you use it, then trade it in before you run out of time.
I've kept way too many phones and PDA's before that I should have traded in.
Good luck, remember to have fun, it's not that serious.