Droid X Leaked Gingerbread


New Member
Feb 2, 2011
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Hey all -

I thought I would start a leaked gingerbread thread since i didn't see one. Moderators, if i'm mistaken, please move it; sorry.

As for my issue, has anyone had success with tethering? I have both Android-wifi-tether 2.0.7 and barnacle, and neither are working. I suspect its because everytime i launch them, the moto GB 3g Hotspot thing pops up prompting me to configure, but i don't want to fear VZW will charge me. Thoughts?
its a well known issue...you can try the TBH 3G hotspot hack and see if that work. haven't looked into it since i have only used tethering 1 time in the 6 months i have been able to do it...lol
turdbogls, thanks for the reply, i should have looked that up prior to flashing. I didn't see anythign in the "leaked gingerbread" official forum though. Can you share where you were reading this? i don't want to have to sbf back. :)