Droid x gallery


New Member
Jun 25, 2010
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My gallery was working fine when I first got the phone. Now every time I try to go to the gallery it acts like it is going to go but just automatically goes back to the home screen. I can see my pics for a second then it just closes on its own. Anybody else had this problem yet or know how to fix it. I can get to my pics throughe astro or file manager but can't view them through gallery.
Never figured out what was causing it, performed a hard reset and the issue was gone. Hopefully it stays that way.
My first thought is that perhaps a corrupt file is causing the problem....

Try connecting via USB, and moving all the files under 'Removable Disk'/dcim/Camera to you computer, and erasing them from the phone.

If that solves the problem then a problem file was causing the gallery app to exit.

Hope this helps

Well I took EVERY PICTURE that I had on x off and gallery works now. As soon as I put one pic back on it goes back to doing the same thing. Take the picture back off and it works again. It does not matter what pic you put on there either. Even if you take a picture with the phone camera and let it store it to my card, gallery will not open.

To help troubleshoot, this was not a problem when I first got the phone. Gallery was working fine at first. Right now I am just going to use B&B gallery off the market. That works fine loading all my pics and videos.

I really DO NOT want to do a hard reset because its a pain setting all apps and settings back up the way I want them. Thats too much to do all for gallery to just work when I can just use a different gallery to pull my pic from. I am going to wait it out and see if this thing gets figured out by someone.
I am having this problem all of the sudden as well. Anyone know or found a solution without having to hard reset and lose everything??

Hi Everyone,

I was having the same issue and started playing around with some of the suggestions I found on this forum and then something seemed to work.

I can't say for sure how (or why) it worked, but here's the steps I took.

1. Connect to PC, copy all files out of directory DCIM>Camera and delete the files
2. Copy DCIM folder to PC
3. Delete DCIM folder and all contents - pics had already been deleted in step 1
4. Disconnect Droid X and launch Gallery Viewer (I had other pictures not stored in camera directory). Viewer still crashes
5. Connect to PC
6. Copy DCIM folder back to phone
7. Copy "Camera" contents (videos & pics) back to DCIM>Camera
8. Disconnect & launch.

Suddenly my gallery viewer is working fine. Don't know why it started crashing or why it works now, but those are the steps I took. Hope it works for others as well...
Suggested Fix didn't work for me

I followed the steps proposed by GrimlockDroidX but my gallery is still not working. Good try but it didn't work on my X.
I stumbled upon something that seemed to fix my gallery problem for now. I moved my pictures (200+) into folders and my gallery started to work again.
How do you move the pics on the camera roll to folders in the gallery...I have a ton and can't figure out how to make folders....Also, can you label the pics and vids in the gallery?

All my vids are hard to tell what is what, with just the icons it makes...
im having the same problem, i was about to loose hope and think it was only me. every time i try to scroll down on my pictures the screen turns black and returns me to the home screen, really weird, when ever i try to scroll towards the bottom of my 350+ pics it does it every single time, im going to try some of the suggestions here and see what works, thanks
Gallery does not seem to like files with names other then standard format. Standard format on my droid X is YYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_###.jpg
I had some photos from previous phone which had format like IMG0001.jpg.
After renaming it to Droid X format my gallery started to work.

Maybe that helps for some of you
I am having this problem all of the sudden as well. Anyone know or found a solution without having to hard reset and lose everything??

Same problem here... Just started today! All of the other "folder views" work ... you can scroll just fine in Folders, Tags, etc... just Camera ... you go in there and try to scroll and it immediately exists.