Gallery App


New Member
Nov 7, 2010
Reaction score
Middle Island, NY
I recently discovered that the Gallery App that comes with the Droid X will not launch. It starts to load the videos, and as soon as the SD card pics start to load, the app quits. The files on the SD card are otherwise accessible, just not through Gallery. I have unmounted and remounted the SD card, rebooted the phone, and emptied the app cache. I have a lot of pics on the SD card. Any suggestions? The OS was recently updated.
copy the contents of your card to your pc? Format the card and then transfer every thing back.

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I would have done that if I had completely lost access to the data, but I can view the entire contents of the SD card, except in Gallery. I'll try your suggestion but I'm thinking it's more app than card
I have the same issue.

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I had the same issue a few days ago. I formatted the card and the gallery works fine now. Prior to that I was also able to see the contents in the file browser. I tried a different card before formatting the main one and the gallery worked. Try the suggestion and let me know what happens.
I would have done that if I had completely lost access to the data, but I can view the entire contents of the SD card, except in Gallery. I'll try your suggestion but I'm thinking it's more app than card

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I had the same issue a few days ago. I formatted the card and the gallery works fine now. Prior to that I was also able to see the contents in the file browser. I tried a different card before formatting the main one and the gallery worked. Try the suggestion and let me know what happens.
I would have done that if I had completely lost access to the data, but I can view the entire contents of the SD card, except in Gallery. I'll try your suggestion but I'm thinking it's more app than card

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I have the same issue; I'll try this and see if it works.
Reformatting seemed to do the trick. I still wonder if the issue wasn't being caused by the amount of files on the card. There was over 6,000 jpgs in a lot of folders. When I reformatted, I did not leave the files on the SD card. I saved them all to my computer. It will be interesting to see whether the same thing happens again once I get a lot of files on it.
Reformatting seemed to do the trick. I still wonder if the issue wasn't being caused by the amount of files on the card. There was over 6,000 jpgs in a lot of folders. When I reformatted, I did not leave the files on the SD card. I saved them all to my computer. It will be interesting to see whether the same thing happens again once I get a lot of files on it.

i dont think it has anything to do with the amount of data on the card. i transferred everything back and the problem has not occured again.