Droid X battery problems discovered!!!!!!!

Those numbers are crazy! If I can make it from 7am to midnight without the battery dying I'll be happy, that's really all I need. I do however wish that my wifi running and phone running numbers were a bit lower though! Wifi on doesn't worry me as my bluetooth is always on but when it's not being used it doesn't really kill anything, I just don't understand why it continues to run. I have it set to turn wifi off after 15 min so my numbers should really be a lot lower. Mine is at wifi on 94.9, wifi running 61.9, and phone running 92.2? So strange.
Well I am at work right now so I am not looking at my phone to much and I have sync turned off right now since I am logged into gmail on computer. So all I have is wifi on and no widgets updating or FB or anything. So probably why my numbers are a lot lower.
What do you do before bed?

I only want to get phone calls (since my cell is my home phone) and for my alarm to work to wake me up in the morning. I don't want anything else going on.

So what is your bedtime procedure?
I brush my teeth, jump into my spiderman PJ's, grab a glass of warm milk, grab my teddy bear Mr Snuggles and jump on into bed.

What about you?

But really I don't do anything special just set it to silent mode so all I will hear is my alarm in the morning. I have battery set on performance mode so nothing shuts off at night, so all my emails will be there in the morning. I leave wifi and sync on, my gps is always off.
I odn't want to read through this entire thread and don't know exactly what to search for but where is what my phone is saying.....

My phone has been unplugged for about 7 hours. I have had about 20 minutes worth of phone calls and maybe 10 texts, thats it. GPS, wifi, bluetooth are off. My battery is sitting at 60%

When I go to my battery left app, click battery history, it says "running 100%, screen on 5.6%, phone on 3.3%"

Does this sound right?
Also....I have TweetCaster running and K-9 running and have received about 100 emails today (email chain me and my buddies do each day)

No phone should not be running the whole time mine is usually around 14%
The GPS is not allowing the phone to sleep. You need to turn off your GPS after using it. It sucks because you shouldn't have to turn it off. Which means you can't use it with weather apps or location apps. I have been using it for maps navigation then turning it off when I done with that app.

Moto knows about this and is communicating on their forum about it. It's being studied by the Moto engineers. You can check the thread on the moto site
The GPS is not allowing the phone to sleep. You need to turn off your GPS after using it. It sucks because you shouldn't have to turn it off. Which means you can't use it with weather apps or location apps. I have been using it for maps navigation then turning it off when I done with that app.

Moto knows about this and is communicating on their forum about it. It's being studied by the Moto engineers. You can check the thread on the moto site

GPS is off, and is always turned off after use (which I hardly ever use)

I also don't use any kind of app that says "use my location......"

My weather app uses my Zip Code

So i don't think it is the GPS and if it was I would think the GPS would drain it alot further than 40% in 7 hours
60% battery life after 7 hours isn't too bad, but I guess you haven't used the phone very much so maybe it should be higher.

GPS isn't the only thing that causes the no sleep bug. The latest thing I've seen is that you can actually leave GPS on. Just turn OFF "use wireless network" under phone settings > location & security

If that doesn't seem to work for you:
-turn off GPS when done using
-turn off WIFI when done using
-reboot after charging
...all of this stuff shouldn't be necessary so hopefully the update will fix it.

The leaked 2.2 version of the OS for the Droid X supposedly fixes this problem.
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60% battery life after 7 hours isn't too bad, but I guess you haven't used the phone very much so maybe it should be higher.

GPS isn't the only thing that causes the no sleep bug. The latest thing I've seen is that you can actually leave GPS on. Just turn OFF "use wireless network" under phone settings > location & security

The leaked 2.2 version of the OS for the Droid X supposedly fixes this problem.

That has been done as well.

Maybe it was my TweetCaster that was updating too much...i think it updates every 2 minutes.

But this still shouldn't have me running 100% should it?
I'm guessing that some app is causing that. TweetCaster sounds like a good candidate. Still, I suppose it might not be a problem because your battery life seems fairly reasonable.
I know this is highly unlikely but here is a recommendation.

If anyone here builds computers I suggest you buy a Gigabyte motherboard with the 3x USB power because I have noticed a difference with the phone charging faster. If anyone wants me to do a test between the wall charger, standard usb 2/3, and the gigabyte 3x USB power I can make a youtube video. I just want to see if you guys would be interested if I did that test.
Well my battery problems live on. While the 2.2 update took care of the GPS bug and I learned that if it's searching for wifi (wifi on/screen off) it'll continue running, I'm STILL having battery issues. With wifi off, my phone is currently "running" 50% of the time and screen is on 23.5% of the time and my battery has dropped to 30% between 7:45am and 4:45pm (9 hrs). That's almost 10% an hour which I find unacceptable with minimal usage.

I've used it for about 30 min to an hour of calls, a few emails through gmail and touchdown (exchange server), and browsed the web for maybe 20 minutes. No wifi searching and no GPS all day. What could be causing this continual drain?

Also, I'm still not sure the wifi issues are fixed as I don't think you should have to toggle off wifi to make it not search while hte screen is off. There is a wifi sleep policy for a reason and once the screen goes off, wifi should be off whether it was in search mode or attached!!