Droid X Battery Life


New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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My office bought me a Droid X for a company phone on 12-21-2010 (actually bought 2 at the same time, one for another employee). I have been having battery issues since it was given to me. I took the phone back to Verizon on 1-6-11, and was told that they needed to do a hard reset on the phone, but that there was nothing wrong with it. The sales rep I was speaking to even told me that it was "normal" for a Droid X to be dead after 7-8 hours depending on use. I asked her what if the phone is sitting on a desk with everything off, and she repeated her answer.

Since 1-6-11, I started keeping a log of the phones performance. I would like to know what you have experienced with this phone. Is what I am seeing "normal"? I have an iPhone for my personal phone, and I can keep WiFi and Bluetooth turned on, be on the phone for 2 hours a day and use push email, and still be at 20-30% battery by midnight after unplugging the phone at 7am.

Here is my log (this will be updated regularly - Also, I will be taking the log to Verizon on my next trip):

Please note – phone is plugged in to a wall outlet every night at approximately midnight.

(with settings programmed when phone was wiped by Verizon)
7:20 am – unplugged from wall
8:40 am – 80% battery life (no usage)
1:15 pm – 30% batt – on call for 8-10 min, check email once
3:03 pm – 5% batt
7:00 pm – dead – plugged phone in to charge
Turned off auto email sync
Changed battery settings to custom

7:20 am – unplugged from wall
2:20 pm – 100% batt
11:00 pm – 30% batt – did not use the phone at all

7:50 am – unplugged from wall
11:00 am – 60% batt (no usage)
3:30 pm – dead

6:20 am – unplugged from wall
8:45 am – self-rebooted
1:55 pm – 90% batt (no usage)
2:45 pm – self-rebooted
3:00 pm – 90% batt (no usage)
4:09 pm – 70% batt (no usage)
6:30 pm – 30% batt (no usage)
7:30 pm – 20% batt (1 call for 2 min)
7:52 pm – 15% batt

7:20 am – unplugged from wall
9:30 am – 70% batt (no usage)
10:35 am – 60% batt (4 calls for 13 min)
12:45 pm – 30% batt (1 call for 4 min)
1:35 pm – 20% batt (checked email once)
2:54 pm – Dead

Settings have not been adjusted since 1-7-11

6:20 am – unplugged from wall
6:24 am – Self rebooted
7:50 am – Self rebooted
9:00 am – 80% batt (1 call for7 min)
10:15 am – 70% batt (no usage)
1:40 pm – 30% batt (2 calls 6 min total)
2:20 pm – 15% batt (downloaded Android System Info app)
2:55 pm – 10% batt (no usage – removed ALL widgets from Home screens)
Battery Usage Stats
7h 0m 54s since last self reboot

10% Batt Left

-Android OS 85% - Why is this so high when I am NOT using the phone??????????????
-Voice Calls 5%
-Display 5%
-Phone Idle 2%
-Cell Standby 2%
-Android System 2%

3:01 pm – 5% batt (no usage)
3:15 pm - DEAD
3:30 pm – plugged in to outlet
5:00 pm – unplugged 90% batt
7:27 pm – Self Reboot
10:35 pm – 80% batt (1 missed call)
-Cell Standby 41%
-Phone Idle 27%
-Display 25%
-Android System 3%
-Android OS 2% - Now after the phone died and was plugged in again, the OS is down.
-com.motorola.service.main 2%

11:55 pm – 80% batt (no usage)

6:20 am – unplugged from wall
6:37 am – self reboot
7:41 am – self reboot
11:20 am – self reboot
1:31 pm – self reboot - 90% batt (no usage)
3:10 pm – self reboot
4:55 pm – self reboot – 80% batt (no usage)

I am planning on going back to Verizon next week, and just looking for other thoughts before I go.

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Rep installed advanced task killer on my droid x when purchased and I have never had any battery issues...it dies when I use it, if not used it'll last 2 days easy but it gets used!

A coworker never had a task killer installed on his droid x and his battery died every day without him using it very much also, once he installed advanced task killer he had no more problems.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I have listed the percentages from the Battery Manager in the original post. For example - 1:55 pm – 90% batt (no usage)

I have heard of tasks killers, but I don't see why I should install one when 2 other people in my office do not use them, and do not have this problem. They both have WiFi on at all times, and have the phone set to sync email at all times.

On another note, I don't know why the battery life is not stable. How can it last until 1100 pm (1-8-11) on one day and not make it to 3 pm (1-9-11) the next when the usage has not changed?

I realize that it is a larger format phone, and I don't expect the battery to last for days, but I don't think I need to keep it plugged in 12-15 hours a day so it will give me a full days converage. I have an upcoming work trip at the end of the month, and as it is, I can't see the phone lasting from the time I leave my home until I get to my hotel (9 hours later).
Yeah, you clearly have something wrong with the phone or there's something running you don't realize is draining the battery.

I turned my phone off last night at 70%. This morning I turned it on and it was of course still at 70%. It's been sitting next to me all day at work and I've checked some websites on it, played a game or two of pool, and checked Weather Bug but that's it. It's now at 50% almost 9 hours later.

I'd check the list of what's running to see if you can pinpoint an item that's going bonkers as well as make sure your GPS and WiFi radios are off if you are not using them. Turn the brightness way down, etc. All the usual power saving items. My guess is there's something running you don't realize and it's sucking down the juice.

By the way, is the phone warm to the touch? Just like a laptop, if it's processing a lot for a long time, it definitely heats up a bit. I use Battery Watcher which gives me a temperature readout and it's almost always at 78-82 degrees when idle.

Keep us posted!

By the way, I don't make a lot of calls on my phone but I surf the web a lot and play games. I generally have to plug it in nightly on the standard battery and every other night on the extended battery.
@Kevinkar - The phone runs very cool. As for what is running, I can't tell you at the moment because the phone is currently dead. However, when one of my co-workers checked, he said everything was off. I do know GPS is off, WiFi is off. Data is set to turn off after 15 minutes, and email is set to manually sync only. As for brightness, it is as low as it can go. Whenever the phone has power again, I will post what the task manager shows.
I have listed the percentages from the Battery Manager in the original post. For example - 1:55 pm – 90% batt (no usage)

I meant the statistics from within battery manager. Once it shows you that battery with the overall percentage left, click on it, and it will show you what is using the most of your battery.

Just so we can be most helpful, what android (system) version are you on? 2.2.1?

You might have got a bad battery..

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@Kevinkar - The phone runs very cool. As for what is running, I can't tell you at the moment because the phone is currently dead. However, when one of my co-workers checked, he said everything was off. I do know GPS is off, WiFi is off. Data is set to turn off after 15 minutes, and email is set to manually sync only. As for brightness, it is as low as it can go. Whenever the phone has power again, I will post what the task manager shows.

I have my brightness set to 25%, turn on gps as needed, stay connected to wifi all day, have emails pushed straight to the phone, weather widgets auto updating.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Sounds like a bad battery to me. My phone goes dead after about 6hrs with heavy use.

Droid X rooted with z4root and running DarkSlide V4.2 underclocked ( to save battery)
What's it showing as battery usage? Settings -> battery manager -> touch the battery

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I have brightness to lowest setting.
I just unplugged the phone and fixed dinner, and the battery manager says:

After having the phone unplugged for 7.5 minutes and sitting on my desk:

Display 70%
Cell Standby 14%
Phone Idle 6%
Android System 5%
com.motorola.home 3%
Android OS 3%

The screen was only on when I first unplugged it and to pull the message up. I know 7 minutes is not a good indication, so I will check this again tomorrow, or later tonight, after the phone has been unplugged for a few hours.

As for OS, I am on version 2.2.1

Again, I have everything that I can think of turned off. I have the battery on Custom Settings set to:

Off-Peak Hours 7p - 8a

Turn off data after 15 min

Peak hours, turn off data after 15 min

Display Brightness at min

All Wireless & Network Setting OFF

Background Data OFF

Data Roaming OFF

Data Enabled ON

Data Push OFF

Fetch Schedule MANUAL ONLY

Sync Over WiFi OFF
I have brightness to lowest setting.
I just unplugged the phone and fixed dinner, and the battery manager says:

After having the phone unplugged for 7.5 minutes and sitting on my desk:

Display 70%
Cell Standby 14%
Phone Idle 6%
Android System 5%
com.motorola.home 3%
Android OS 3%

The screen was only on when I first unplugged it and to pull the message up. I know 7 minutes is not a good indication, so I will check this again tomorrow, or later tonight, after the phone has been unplugged for a few hours.

As for OS, I am on version 2.2.1

Again, I have everything that I can think of turned off. I have the battery on Custom Settings set to:

Off-Peak Hours 7p - 8a

Turn off data after 15 min

Peak hours, turn off data after 15 min

Display Brightness at min

All Wireless & Network Setting OFF

Background Data OFF

Data Roaming OFF

Data Enabled ON

Data Push OFF

Fetch Schedule MANUAL ONLY

Sync Over WiFi OFF

Yeah, you probably got a bad battery, and since it is within your 30 days you shouldn't have a problem getting VZW to switch it out.

I still would like to see the battery manager statistics after you can get a larger sample size, because if it is rogue app or a setting, a new battery will produce the same results.

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Usage Update

Phone has been unplugged for 2 hours 9 minutes 53 seconds

70% battery left

Display 39%
Cell Standby 37%
Phone Idle 22%
Android System 2%