Today at school, my Droid was working fine. But then, it suddenly went black. I tried taking the battery out & then putting it back in, but that didn't work. I then left it out for about an hour, but nothing happened. The phone still turns off an on, the keyboard still lights up, the green notification light still blinks, and it still vibrates when I touch the screen. Does anyone know how I can fix this or if I need to bring it to the Verizon store? Thanks so much!
Today at school, my Droid was working fine. But then, it suddenly went black. I tried taking the battery out & then putting it back in, but that didn't work. I then left it out for about an hour, but nothing happened. The phone still turns off an on, the keyboard still lights up, the green notification light still blinks, and it still vibrates when I touch the screen. Does anyone know how I can fix this or if I need to bring it to the Verizon store? Thanks so much!