I bought the Droid Pro a couple of weeks ago. Also a BBerry user who defected. Nice phone, but a couple of things are making it very unpleasant for me to use. So much so that I may return it (I might be whiny, not sure). FYI, I'm a business user, and just want it to work properly and not get in my way.
All in all, a good phone, and fantastic voice quality since the update. Here are the issues that make it annoying
All in all, a good phone, and fantastic voice quality since the update. Here are the issues that make it annoying
- I absolutely HATE the fact that I need to push the power button, THEN swipe the logon ribbon (or whatever its called) just to use the darn thing. Is there anyway to wake the blasted phone up using a keyboard key, or something else, other that the 2 step program. Can I remap the power button? Eliminate its requirement?
- The logon ribbon that you have to swipe from left to right. I HATE that big time too, especially when answering the phone. Can I disable it forever, or at least when the phone rings. If it rings, I just want to answer the phone for goodness sake, not swipe that ribbon
- Notifications of Email, SMS and VM are totally unreliable. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. Is there a fix for this.