The Droid Incredible 2 has been anticipated for months now, with constant leaks and release date rumors, this new official document leak shows some legit information for those potential buyers. The device that should be released either this month or next, according to another leak, will also be released as a world phone. The phone will run on both CDMA and GSM, something Qualcomm has been working on, and will allow you to communicate even better while in the United States or anywhere else in the world. The phone will also add a front facing camera, 16GB of SD card memory, presumable a faster processor, but sadly will charge you for that ever so popular 3G hotspot capability. The phone will not be 4G like Miami had already told us, but hopefully will have something along the line of Gingerbread coming soon. Regardless of this fact, I am sure many are still pretty excited for Verizon and HTC to drop the latest and maybe even the greatest next generation Droid Incredible.
- [FONT="]World phone[/FONT][FONT="] -- that means GSM and CDMA radios, for use in the United States on Verizon as well as abroad.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]New 1.3MP front-facing camera[/FONT][FONT="] to go along with the 8MP rear camera.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]Pre-installed 16GB microsSD card.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]DLNA media sharing.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]New Sync & Connect feature[/FONT][FONT="]. Not sure if that's an HTC or Verizon customization, but it "will provivde multiple e-mail and address books in one place." The service will be up and running on April 12, and "will be on the Incredible 2 once it launches." So don't look for the DInc 2 before then.[/FONT]
- [FONT="]3G mobile hotspot will be an extra $20 for 20GB[/FONT][FONT="]. That's either some really good pricing, or a typo.[/FONT]
For more discussions, be sure to visit the Incredible 2 Forum here: Droid Incredible 2 Forum
Source: Android Central