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Droid battery life is really this short?


New Member
Okay, so today marks the third day that I've owned my droid 2 global. It has loads of amazing features that blow me away. The only thing that gets me is that it seems to have an awful battery life.

Like, I charged it and left for work at around 10AM, kept it in my pocket for most all of the day, rarely texting and making a single one minute call and by the time I was home drom work at around 8:30 that night it was at less than 10% charge. Then yesterday I charged it to full at 7PM and it was dead by 1AM. Does it really die that fast? Is there anything that I can do to extend its battery life?
Root. And rom it. Get rid of.blur. and remove bloatwate. Install advanced task killer and l2love it.

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Task killer is a no no. Android has a native task killer that works just fine. My advice is to exit all tasks with the back button and nit the home button unless you intend on returning to it quickly. Turn off GPS and Bluetooth if you aren't using them. Turn down the screen brightness. If you have serious batt problems it may be a bad battery and you should take it in to vzw to see if they can replace it.

tappin and a talkin
How does one root and rom? Driving me nuts running outta battery. Worse than my old storm2 thanks.

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I was helping another guy today with his battery life. He had his email set to check every 15 minutes and wasn't sure how often his weather was updating. Some live wall papers use more battery than others too, then there are the social networking updates, etc. Battery life is user dependent.
Root. And rom it. Get rid of.blur. and remove bloatwate. Install advanced task killer and l2love it.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Not only the task killer statement, saying the bloatware is a battery hog is incorrect as well.

Yes, the battery life is that short. Get an extra battery on Amazon for 8.00 and an extra charger for $5.00 on eBay that plugs into the wall. Life with your Droid shouldn't revolve around finding out what to shut down to save the battery.
Yes, the battery life is that short. Life with your Droid shouldn't revolve around finding out what to shut down to save the battery.
I agree. I charge mine all the time, in the car, over night, at the office, while sitting on the couch. I can have mine set to update as often as I like, set the screen as bright as I want, use it all day for web, music, movies, etc.
Here's my tips:

1. (Doesn’t apply to all phones) Go to settings/wireless & networks/mobile networks/Enable always-on data. Uncheck always on data. Your phone will still receive email, text, & phone calls as before as well as internet usage but your battery will last a lot longer.

2. Emails: I don't know what email app you use, but try this. It saves battery power and in some cases emails arrive quicker. This scheme will have you using only the Gmail app on the phone for all email accounts whether they are pop3 accounts or Gmail. Go to the Google Gmail inbox on your computer and log into the Gmail account. On the top right of the screen is an option called Settings. In there is an option to have the Gmail program poll your regular, non-Gmail accounts. Provide the email address and the password. The Google Gmail program will then poll your other accounts on a frequency from 1-5 minutes and push the email immediately to your phone. The polling frequency is determined by each account's activity - more emails = faster polling. It will always be no less frequent than every five minutes. This saves battery power because on the android OS pop3 accounts are polled at a frequency of 1-30 minutes and that really eats battery. Because the phone goes and checks those accounts for mail whether there is mail there or not.

3. If you are using Live Wall Papers, stop!

4. Use wifi any time it is available. It uses a lot less power than 3G and it is much faster.

5. If there are widgets that automatically update (facebook, weather, etc.) change their update frequency in their settings menu. Set them to 30mins or 1 hour.

6. Oh, almost forgot, get the extended battery from Verizon.

7. Turn off the GPS unless you are actually using it. There are some background apps that can burn a lot of power via a live gps.

8. The Power Control Widget is a good tool for easily turning on and off some of these features (gps, wifi, screen brightness, etc.).

9. From the home screen do the following: menu/settings/About Phone/Battery Use. This graph will show the 10 biggest power users on the phone. It should always be Screen as the top user and the android os, android system, phone standby and phone idle should be the other top users. If there is an app listed you should determine if it’s an app you actually use a lot or do you have a rogue app that needs to be uninstalled.

10. Get Screebl. It will turn your phone off anytime you are not actively using it.

11. If you have either a task killer or an anti-virus app installed, you should uninstall.
Took phone off charge at 5 am still on that charge, battery still in the blue with web on and droid forms on. Made two calls, about 15 min each and probly sent 45 text. (Samsung fascinate) had droid eris before this and the battery would die by 3pm taking off charge at 5am also. I hate that phone.
Mkay. I have my brightness set as low as it goes, turned off anything that I don't think I'd be using. My phone was fully charged at 5PM today. I've used the browser long enough to post the earlier thread, (not this one, I'm on my laptop atm), listened to mp3's on it for around 30 minutes and texted a bit here and there. Now it's only at 20% (when I began typing this it was at 30%, so I assume it's really at around 29%) is that right??Battery Manager says:Display: 36%Andriod System: 17%Handcent SMS: 12%Mediaserver: 7%com.motorola.home: 6%Cell Standy: 5%com.android.phone: 4%Media: 3%Android OS: 3%Phone Idle: 2%Files: 2%*Handcent SMS is the app I use for texting so I can have custom text tones for each contact.
Check how often your email updates, I have mine at never, but when emails come through it always lets me know. Display is same as mine. I use a task killer also, I kill everything before I put it in my pocket at work when I'm not using it. And everything is back on when I use it.
I was only getting about 8 - 10 hours battery life, even after rooting and using Squidly ROM. I installed juice defender from the android market (free version). I've had it go 24 hours and down to 40% before charging. That was with light to moderate usage (i.e. a few calls, couple texts, couple hours of streaming audio, playing a couple games, having it check for email and facebook updates every half hour). Screen brightness set to auto, GPS off, Bluetooth on. Also running JRummy OC, using LV 1.2GHz setting.