Droid 1 users... your devices might be falling apart by now, yet development continues on! Just kidding, but seriously, this device will keep "ROCKIN TILL THE WHEELS FALL OFF". Hopefully other devices will stand the test of time like this incredible device has. Developer ChevyCam has been working furiously on his Steel Droid Project for this device even though he has been through a few of them. He has put together a super slick rom for version 9.0. This thing is super clean and polished!

ChevyCam has updated the base to the latest version of Gingerbread 2.3.7 and has also included ChevyNo1's 1.0GHz MV kernel. The Gapps have been updated to the latest available. This includes all kinds of customization options! It comes with the Go Launcher EX home replacement app. With Go Launcher Ex you can change things like homescreen transition effects, app drawer scrolling, and hotseat icons. It also includes the latest version of SteelBox which includes all the CM7 style customization options and more!
This Rom is themed to the MAX! The Theme for this Rom is based on the Ice Cream Sandwich theme! All Gapps have been themed accordingly. ICS Roboto font is the default font. Default clock font was changed to ICS as well, and added Honeycomb/ICS themed progress bars. The Settings Icons are color matched as well; This also includes all system sounds from the Nexus S ICS dump, plus too much to list! Even though ChevyCam has begun work on other devices he refuses to forget about old faithful, Our First Droid, and I know you all are very pleased!
By DroidModderX
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