I stopped into Verizon today to see the Bionic. It's a nice looking phone, feels good in my hand, and it's pretty light. I currently have a CHARGE.
Anyway, I played with this phone for a good 10 minutes. It has a few nice features but I can't honestly say I'm ready to give up my charge for this phone. The photo quality on the Bionic is TERRIBLE compared with the Charge. Ok, so maybe it was the phone I was using? That's what I thought so I picked up another one and started snapping away. I'm not impressed. The photo quality is just terrible. I know what you're all thinking... "It's a phone, not a camera"... yeah, get over it. These days a phone is just a feature of a hand held gadget capable of doing so much more than making phone calls. The poor quality of this cam is no excuse.
I really saw no speed differences with features although I will say the screen scrolling is better on the Bionic. Feels much more natural than the Charge.
Everything else about the screen on the Charge is much better than the Bionic.
I'm really curious to learn about the battery life on the Moto.
I have some money burning a hole in my pocket but at the moment I think I'm going to wait this one out. We'll see.