Dev Server OTA Update taken down. Help!!


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Alright so, everyone who has tried to download the update from the post on XDA today should know that the poster took it down. Apparently he got in trouble with Verizon/Moto is what I heard...Anyways, I was hoping someone could upload it and pm me it or post the link. I have been dieing to try the new update and I have heard it has a drastic impact on our phone. Please and thank you in advance.
verizon can suck on it...give me your email ill send it to you...what are they gonna do to me ? shut down my service lol...theres 3 other major carriers in this country last time i checked.
ok im a noob it exceeds the 25mb limit in email ill find a way to upload it and get it to you
obviously u have to know what your doing im not responsible blah blah blah but enjoy :) i sent out like 15 emails this might be easier...if i get in trouble oh noes (really i dont care they cant do anything to me anyways) ill continue to email the link to people

Thank you

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did you read the 1st post in the xda update forum? when he said he was sry to verizon and moto? im sure he didnt say all that just for nothing im sure it was bc someone contacted him about just be ready if someone does say something is all im saying man
how can they contact me...on a forum that has none of my personal information...doesnt have my phone just doesnt make sense...
penalize malaka....the anonymous forum poster lol ...they dont have my account number, or real in short...links for everyone!...they can trace my ip maybe...but only if droidforums gives them access to far as im concerned ive given them 100 bucks a month minimum for 4 years...if they dont want 5 grand sprint might...