So I had a grandfathered unlimited plan on my Droid X, bought a used, no contract Droid Bionic off of Ebay. Switched the number over no problem but mobile hotspot would not turn on. Called VZW, was told that they would not turn on mobile hotspot capability unless I paid another $29/mo for mobile hotspot plan in addition to the $29/mo I pay for my data plan.
Has anyone else had this happen? I thought the FCC/FTC ruling that they could not charge extra for the mobile hotspot feature did not allow them to do this?Or did i just get a bad rep and should call back?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Has anyone else had this happen? I thought the FCC/FTC ruling that they could not charge extra for the mobile hotspot feature did not allow them to do this?Or did i just get a bad rep and should call back?
Any help is greatly appreciated.