My droid 2 seems to be nearing it's end (poor battery and random glitches) but my upgrade date is 7/22, I've done the online chat with several reps and went into numerous stores, and keep being told I can't upgrade early, even though it's only a month. I haven't actually tried calling customer service yet, but that seems to work for others. There aren't really any phone that wow me right now, but I'm really hoping the rumors of the HTC version of the note are true. I basically want to upgrade just to keep the unlimited data, for peace of mind. I've only used 250 megs and am about halfway through the cycle.
My wife just got a phone 2 weeks ago to get in on the double data, so I might be able to switch over my upgrade to her line like what was mentioned in the "trick" thread. Or I could save that money and see what comes out in the fall (hoping my D2 makes it that long) the problem then becomes I'm off contract and they could just cancel on me at any time.
Thanks for letting me get that out of my head, I could feel my anxiety level go down just from typing that out. If you feel like giving suggestions I won't complain,
My wife just got a phone 2 weeks ago to get in on the double data, so I might be able to switch over my upgrade to her line like what was mentioned in the "trick" thread. Or I could save that money and see what comes out in the fall (hoping my D2 makes it that long) the problem then becomes I'm off contract and they could just cancel on me at any time.
Thanks for letting me get that out of my head, I could feel my anxiety level go down just from typing that out. If you feel like giving suggestions I won't complain,