Thanks for the info. I'm trying desperately to lower my cell phone bill. I have a Droid which I use very little - just a few calls, a few texts and an occasional internet access. I really just need a phone that does texting. Same with my wife. Right now our bill is $140 but our usage is really low. I find the Verizon site pretty confusing. We also have an iPad and do some RVing. Anyhow, I'll figure it out. Thanks.
Thanks to you both. I'm looking into the 250 meg deal. Matter of fact, I'm trying now to figure what my average use would be. What's this on keeping the droid as a wifi? Would that mean I wouldn't have to have a data plan? Guess I better stop by the Verizon store to get this figured out. I was thinking about just giving the Droid to my daughter. Thanks.
the Droid should work just fine on wifi (of course no calls or texts tho)
however, once you are out of wifi range, you are limited to whats already on the phone
I believe it's a 150 mb plan for $15. (Unless they changed this and I missed it, which is possible.) If you could finagle an upgrade for you and your wife's lines, I wonder if they'd let you drop down to a feature phone. They're always giving those things away for free.
No but you can use it on sprint
No but you can use it on sprint
i dont believe a droid phone was ever flashed to another carrier.... and it would be more of a hassle than what its worth
Correct! $15 for 150mb. Be careful as just one KB over that will charge you another $15 for another 150MB and so on. AT&T gives you 200MB for $15 and 2GB for $25 with overage rates identical to ours (VZW). Is sacrificing coverage really worth $10 a month?
DroidForums junkie!!