The new feature of Sapphire that controls the CPU speed seems very nice. I have a few questions though. 1) Do I need to reboot each time I change the speed? For example, if I change it from 1000 to 800 in order to save battery later on in the day, do I need to reboot for the change to take effect? 2) How does the ondemand governor compare to the one in SetCPU as far as scaling speed and battery life? Lastly, 3)How does the powersave governor compare to the ondemand governor? Will the powersave be a little laggy? Thanks to anyone who can help.
Used to be a BuglessBeast guy, but this ROM is incredibly stable, sleek, and just damn works. Good job.
Used to be a BuglessBeast guy, but this ROM is incredibly stable, sleek, and just damn works. Good job.