I just rooted my Note 3 yesterday so first off "THANKS A MILLION" to the poster for the detailed instructions! I always feel like my phones are incomplete until rooted. However, I have always rooted all of my Android devices (from the OG Droid, Droid-X, Bionic, GS3, Note 2 and now Note 3) and I have never had to have an unlocked bootloader on any of them in order to make nandroid backups until my GS3. So is that still the case now with the Note 3? Does it HAVE to have an unlocked bootloader in order the make nandroid backups?
What I have found these days is...if you try without unlocking it first, you get soft bricked into a "boot loop" and can't get out of it without flashing...I hate that! So again, do we have to wait for an unlocked bootloader in order to make complete nandroid backups on the Note 3?
I know it's necessary by the way in order to use custom kernels but I have no concerns with that.