When I swype "g" "e" "t", I get presented with "Getty" every time. This is not in my personal dictionary or added words as I have checked. How can I get this to default to "get" and remove the repeating "Getty". Same thing happens for several other words. All of the instructions I have seen for deleting words say to select the word, then hit the swype key to be able to delete - all I get is the help/tutorial screen. Seems Swype help will cover everything EXCEPT deleting words.
God some people are so THICK. I'm getting this exact same error, I love Swype and am looking for an answer to this problem too because it is so obnoxious. Don't you just love how everyone has a stupid answer? "well you don't HAVE to use Swype" "just root your phone and install Linux" "install a completely different keyboard and lose your entire dictionary that you have been building for a year because of this one little problem" "just throw your phone in the garbage and get a new phone" people are just truly stupid.
I have this error and it drives me NUTS. WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT THE WORD GETTY i don't even like typing that word because i don't want my phone learning it and thinking i want that word over "get". And because it is a built in word, you can't remove it from the dictionary. Really obnoxious, right? So here was my solution, and it works for the most part. Go to your custom dictionary, and add the word "Get" with a capital G. (it won't let you add "get" with a lower case g because it says it's already there.
After doing this, it defaults to that word instead of the stupid word (that which musn't be typed) and surprisingly, it defaults to that and actually uses it without capitalizing the word when unnecessary! Then i type the word get get get get get in a text over and over to increase it's popularity. I have no idea if the phone tracks how common it is, but as you can see, "get"is now part of my phones vocabulary on the first try.
Also, the word "after" was impossible to type with Swype. So i added After with a capital a but for some reason it still does not recognize it. That is so utterly frustrating that it makes me want to smash my phone. Those are the only two words it has trouble with, far from a reason to install a new keyboard and relearn how to type and get new settings etc. anyone familiar with Swype knows that it takes a long time to adjust it to your liking by removing tips, removing suggested words, adjusting error tolerance foot speed, etc. i could never go back to typing without Swype i see people clicking away one letter at a time and it seems so slow and ridiculous, what is the point of having a touch screen if you're not going to take advantage of it's capabilities? Anyways,i hope that helps.
I'm not only a client of get. I'm also the get president. Get get get get. Also, when typing get, be mindful to keep your Swype short and stop at the T. Aim for stopping at the R, so the little bit you over gets you right to it. Oh one more word is "you" it always puts in the word "toy". That is obnoxious. Blackberry had a great dictionary system, you could go in and swap words. "every time i type the word "ty" display "thank so you could custom words that way.
It was great for playing jokes on blackberry users. I would replace the word "thank" with the "f" word so when my girlfriend would type "thank you" it said "f you" and the funniest part of they wouldn't notice it for a couple of weeks" you could replace one word with an entire sentence' the other one i did was every time she typed the word "lunch" it would say have sex. So do you want to go to lunch? I'm goingI also to lunch. I went to lunch with anna. Etc. so hilarious. I also replaced "daughter" with "sex toy jail bait snot nosed brat daughter" and what's so funny is that when you're typing it it doesn't replace it until you hit the spacebar, so you don't notice anything of wrong because you've already looked at the word and everything OS fine so you move on. Good times. I hope that helped and provided some comic relief.
But we were on the subject, does anyone know of an Android dictionary app like that? Where you can replace words? Thanks