{beta}[THEME] Avalon...

I should have this thing workin today. As soon as I fix the scrolling issue ill put it up over in the X section too. Other than some hard to read font, that's the only major issue.
haha, nice work mikey, can't wait for this to be 100% and on the almighty droid x!!!

btw, currently loving your port of the frost theme on my X :)dancedroiddancedroid:icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

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So mikey are u goin to try to port blue drop theme to dx? :)

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So mikey are u goin to try to port blue drop theme to dx? :)

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Check your pm's :) Its got a few minor issues, bit its mostly done. Let me know what you find through pm's. I dont wanna mix it with this thread. LOL, also, I dont know who told you there was no xml edits, there was a few, and I made a bunch more for text colors and stuff. Let me know what you think...PM
MAN AMAZING JOB JUST WHAT I WANTED! lol u.made me a happy fella everything is perfect :D

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Hey mikey everything is perfect but could you probably theme the google search widget if its an easy quick task.for you Im not a fan of the stock white apperance

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This theme may never be complete. But I am gonna fix the scrolling issue later. Thats the major problem. I had the same issue with the scrollling last night when porting the blue drop theme and fixed it so I have a pretty good idea where its at now.
this theme is ready for install? are you still tweaking?

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I will post it in its own thread later. I'm gonna do the red drop later for myself so ill post that also :)
blue drop you say? where might i get a hold of that?

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