Best shots yet of Motorola Droid 2 & Boot Animation

Exactly, this Motorola Droid 2 isn't even up to par with my Stock Incredible. I think the Droid Pro is the only device coming soon on Verizon that will be a step up from the Incredible.
Not exactly as far as the cpu is concerned...I will say the Inc. features are better than the Droid 2's tho

Obviously majority of the posters in this thread are completely retarded. The 750mhz processor outperforms the snapdragon. Not only that the graphic processor is also a big upgrade. The Droid two uses a 45mm processor which means that this chip has an overclock potential higher the original Droid. The only disappointing for me the lack of front face camera and HDMI. Then again all the posters will avoid this post like my last post and syllable be ignorant on processing power.

Folks, dont get caught up in the 1Ghz number. The current Snapdragon is 1Ghz, but is a 65nm processor. Thaat nm number makes a difference, trust me.

And if u think the Droid Pro is the only one coming soon thats gonna be a step up from the Inc., check the Xtreme thread.....
Thanks so much for the info! Glad to learn something new today. I look forward to seeing how the phone performs now.

....but I still hate the keyboard, and wished it had a front facing camera.
Motoblur is a total deal breaker I'd rather use smoke signals than touch that trash! Way to brick it motorola....

lol, "way to brick it", what does that even mean, people already throw brick around way too loosely, for gods sake please dont start a new saying
Call me dumb...but what do yall mean by "Chin" i dont understand what ur saying that it doesnt stick out??? please enlighten me!
Its just a glorified Motorola Droid 1 with a little bit of updated specs.

  • Wi-Fi tethering
  • 8GB internal
  • Updated keyboard
  • New version of Motoblur
These are the ONLY differences between this and the original Droid. Not worth it in my opinion.

Agreed. I think it needs a front facing camera, an 8MP camera on the back and at least a 1Ghz processor to match up w/ the other phones out there...
In terms of design, attractiveness and performance... they might as well go ahead and start designing the Droid 3. If this is the Droid 2... no thanks.
Not enough for me to upgrade. Don't like Motoblur and 750mhz is not enough. Too bad I need a keyboard and most phones are sticking to all touch. I guess I will be waiting longer than I intended to to get a new phone.

I pretty much agree, I thought now a days, you needed a 1Ghz snapdragon minim.

Is Motoblur really bad, have you actually used it?
Even though I use and love my Droid it could use a shell.
What do you think?
guys...stop comparing things by just cpu speed. don't buy into that hype. it's like hp in cars. i have no doubt that this new omap will be just as fast as the snapdragon (I'm not biased either since I have a dinc).

i do agree though that there's not enough improvements on this. i hope it's thinner (not seen spec yet) or even that it can do 720p (don't think it can though).
Agreed. I think it needs a front facing camera, an 8MP camera on the back and at least a 1Ghz processor to match up w/ the other phones out there...
Did you even read the last few posts about the processer?
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Call me dumb...but what do yall mean by "Chin" i dont understand what ur saying that it doesnt stick out??? please enlighten me!

Er, Ok, you'r dumb.

Sorry couldn't help my self, bad john, bad john!

And another thing what is it with the chin?
It's like pinch to zoom, you must have it or you couldn't care less.

I like it, you can rotate you'r phone upright in the dark and pulling
it out of a holster.
Motoblur is a total deal breaker I'd rather use smoke signals than touch that trash! Way to brick it motorola....

lol, "way to brick it", what does that even mean, people already throw brick around way too loosely, for gods sake please dont start a new saying

I thought the meaning was adequately implied from context....

fine I won't push for the new saying mate ;)

Folks claim Motoblur has changed... but based on past incarnations being worse than Microsoft BOB I don't have much hope...
I vote that Motorola leave all the Android home screen customizations to HTC. Sense is about a million times better than Blur in looks, functionality, and speed.
Yeah I think the official "Droid" (i.e. Droid 2, 3, etc...) should be the more advanced developer phone, with all the latest capabilities, but without all the extra crap pre-installed. This would compliment the idea of choice that some of us have been throwing around in regards to why so many Android phones are floating around. The less tech savvy users can get a hold of an Incredible or other phone with all the fancy Sense/Moto Blur stuff on it.

Doesn't matter though, assuming those end up being the official specs it seems like a poor excuse for a "new" phone. Just goes to show you that sequels generally don't live up to their hype.