ATT is desperate

I have tried being on the phone and surfing the web and was able to do it with just being on 3g. :icon_ banana:

Calling BS on this...Can't be done the technology (CDMA) does not support it.
You'll have to record a video to back this up, because from having a VZW tech background, I know it can't be done unless you were on wifi.

Not sure how I'm going to get a video of this procedure. You need a vid cam for this. Unless I stand in front of a mirror and try to video it with the Droid.... I don't think I can video, surf, and talk. But hey, since you already say I can't do what I do all the time, maybe this is the subject of the next multi-tasking Droid test.

Generally, my phone is suctioned to the windshield. I run I-80 across Nevada, and if you've ever been to Nevada, you know there's a whole lot of nothing out here. There's no danger in having the Droid show the Nevada map with all the snow and rain depicted in green and blue. I'm not in traffic (what's that?) and just like when I'm pouring coffee or rummaging around in my cooler for a tid-bit of food, I check my mirrors to be sure no one is coming up from behind. That's for jsh1120's benefit.

I just checked to be sure my phone doesn't have the WiFi turned on. Bluetooth is on, because I use the BlueParrot headset. Currently, I'm sitting at home. 3G and cell isn't all that great here, but I just called my voice mail so I was ON THE PHONE. I hit the [HOME] key to get back to the front screen. I'm still listening to my voice mail. Then I hit the [BROWSER] key and launched into my default weather page. It took some time to get the page up because of the lousy 3G signal here, but it eventually loaded. Once loaded, I hit the [HOME] key again, then the phone symbol, which gives me the option to "return to call in progress", and I'm back to voice mail. And back and forth at will. Try it. You'll like it. If your phone doesn't do this, take it back. It's broke. :icon_evil:
Mr. Tommy, at best you may be able to load a cached web page. But CDMA networks such as Verizon, sprint, us cellular....etc. cannot do data and voice at the same time. It just cannot do it. It is a limatation of the network. It has nothing to do with the phone, it has nothing to do with if you are in 3G coverage, whether your are on Rev A or Rev O coverage. It still does not work. It will not work if your in the Nevada desert, in the city, in LA, New York, or a little country town in the middle of Missouri. It dose not matter if your here or there. It dose not work.
You'll have to record a video to back this up, because from having a VZW tech background, I know it can't be done unless you were on wifi.

Not sure how I'm going to get a video of this procedure. You need a vid cam for this. Unless I stand in front of a mirror and try to video it with the Droid.... I don't think I can video, surf, and talk. But hey, since you already say I can't do what I do all the time, maybe this is the subject of the next multi-tasking Droid test.

Generally, my phone is suctioned to the windshield. I run I-80 across Nevada, and if you've ever been to Nevada, you know there's a whole lot of nothing out here. There's no danger in having the Droid show the Nevada map with all the snow and rain depicted in green and blue. I'm not in traffic (what's that?) and just like when I'm pouring coffee or rummaging around in my cooler for a tid-bit of food, I check my mirrors to be sure no one is coming up from behind. That's for jsh1120's benefit.

I just checked to be sure my phone doesn't have the WiFi turned on. Bluetooth is on, because I use the BlueParrot headset. Currently, I'm sitting at home. 3G and cell isn't all that great here, but I just called my voice mail so I was ON THE PHONE. I hit the [HOME] key to get back to the front screen. I'm still listening to my voice mail. Then I hit the [BROWSER] key and launched into my default weather page. It took some time to get the page up because of the lousy 3G signal here, but it eventually loaded. Once loaded, I hit the [HOME] key again, then the phone symbol, which gives me the option to "return to call in progress", and I'm back to voice mail. And back and forth at will. Try it. You'll like it. If your phone doesn't do this, take it back. It's broke. :icon_evil:

It's called cached data.....try doing that and going to a website that you never been too....
Now you've got me wondering. I watch that loading bar slowly scroll across the top of the screen. The weather yesterday was changing quickly and the intellicast weather page was showing a slightly different image every time I re-accessed it. I was on the phone to this other driver who was headed right into the heart of this blast of snow, so I never hung up.

I was under the impressing that the web came over the 3G network and phone calls on a whole other, uh, I don't know, frequency? If I go out later I'll take the phone and look for a better signal and check it out again. I appreciate your 'expertise' in this area, but I just wonder why it 'seems' to work. I'm not looking at the same page all the time, and once the 3G is gone I get a white page saying the web page is inaccessible. If I'm looking at a cached site, what causes the white page to come up when there's no 3G signal? Why wouldn't it just load the old "cached" page?
I don't want to get into a shouting match here, but here's what I just did. I called my voice mail again, so I'm on the phone. Then, I accessed the road condition report for Nevada. It scrolled out all the chain control conditions currently in effect, It time stamps the page at the top. Then I accessed the same page on my computer here and got the exact same page with a time stamp one minute later.

I may be fooling myself in all this, but I'll stake my safety on being able to do this out on the road.

And if this is a cached page, why is it up to date?
Now you've got me wondering. I watch that loading bar slowly scroll across the top of the screen. The weather yesterday was changing quickly and the intellicast weather page was showing a slightly different image every time I re-accessed it. I was on the phone to this other driver who was headed right into the heart of this blast of snow, so I never hung up.

I was under the impressing that the web came over the 3G network and phone calls on a whole other, uh, I don't know, frequency? If I go out later I'll take the phone and look for a better signal and check it out again. I appreciate your 'expertise' in this area, but I just wonder why it 'seems' to work. I'm not looking at the same page all the time, and once the 3G is gone I get a white page saying the web page is inaccessible. If I'm looking at a cached site, what causes the white page to come up when there's no 3G signal? Why wouldn't it just load the old "cached" page?
I agree it was probably a cached website. Go to something you haven't been on, like - Welcome to AOL or or whatever and see if it works while you're in a live voicemail call. And, I was on I-80 from San Jose, CA to PA ten years ago twice in 6 weeks when we moved to the east coast. I remember how barren I-80 was from Reno to the eastern border!
Hmmmm. Hating to admit I'm wrong, I just may be...

So, I went through my whole routine here, getting voice mail up, then hitting the browser. I decided to try it in reverse. I got the browser up, then hit the phone. I see the 3G thingie goes away when I dial up the voicemail. Hmmmm, that's a new experience. I punched in the AmericanExpress site and it was coming up until I hit the phone. Once the 3G went out (as in the indicator disappearing), the site quit loading. Well crap.

Now, I still don't understand how that chain control page came up with a current time stamp, and it was the exact same report I got here on my computer - and it's the current chain requirement report. But if you say it can't scientifically and technologically be done, then so be it. You're the knowledgeable experts and I'm just the truck driver / Droid lover. I'm always looking for another reason to love my Droid, and justify the confiscatory monthly charges - ha.

Nevertheless, I will continue with my 'experiments', because as we all know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If we depended on that chintzy manual they put on-line, we'd be making phone calls and little else.

Thanks for the discussion. I've enjoyed it. ;)
who cares about talking on the phone and surfing the web at the same time?
Maybe its just me but does anyone care that we can't do that on a Droid?

I can't front...before I even thought of this as an option, I tried it out of necessity. Wold be nice, but not a game changer...the sun even shines on a dogs a$$ once in a while. Let them shine a bit.
So, I went through my whole routine here, getting voice mail up, then hitting the browser. I decided to try it in reverse. I got the browser up, then hit the phone. I see the 3G thingie goes away when I dial up the voicemail. Hmmmm, that's a new experience. I punched in the AmericanExpress site and it was coming up until I hit the phone. Once the 3G went out (as in the indicator disappearing), the site quit loading. Well crap.

Now, I still don't understand how that chain control page came up with a current time stamp, and it was the exact same report I got here on my computer - and it's the current chain requirement report. But if you say it can't scientifically and technologically be done, then so be it. You're the knowledgeable experts and I'm just the truck driver / Droid lover. I'm always looking for another reason to love my Droid, and justify the confiscatory monthly charges - ha.

Nevertheless, I will continue with my 'experiments', because as we all know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If we depended on that chintzy manual they put on-line, we'd be making phone calls and little else.

Thanks for the discussion. I've enjoyed it. ;)
Thanks for the update too. Just keep your eyes on the road....shiny side up and greasy side down. :)
My personal favorite commercial was the misfit toys one lol. That first attempt with the check list by att was stupid because the apps are limited to only the iPhone and its debatable if their 3G is faster. Then this recent one .... you have to have service first to make a call or be on the internet .... and I can do both just fine when I'm on wifi which is a lot of the time.
Remember how thrilled we were with our bag phones? Why, we could make a call from just about anywhere. And if you had a fancy bag phone, you could even store a few phone numbers.

Now we carp over how many things we can do at the same time, AND make a phone call.