[APP] Free Bluetooth Tethering


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you are on an unlimited data plan then you already know that the 4g hotspot is only available to you with an added tether plan. If your phone is rooted you should be able to achieve some sort of free wifi tether, but not all phones on Verizon are rootable. The Bluetooth Tether Switch allows you to tether over Bluetooth for free. The only downside to this is that Bluetooth tethering is not nearly as fast as wifi tethering but, some tethering is better than no tethering. If you want a way to tether on your device without having to be rooted the small fee of $3.18 for the app download may be worth your while. Head to the Play Link below for the download.


Via Play Store
Anyone know what kind of speeds you actually get with BT?
For those of you clinging to the Unlimited plans for the next few months before they terminate them, how much data are you regularly using per month?
The plans are going away, via throttling, limiting upgrade options, etc... The days of tethering and using up 50GB or 100GB a month on your cell phone, are numbered. They are wittling it down quite a bit over the past couple years and at some point, sooner rather than later, they will cut the cord.

Unlimited is going the way of the dodo. They let you keep it as a courtesy, for now. Once your 2 year contract is up, they are no longer under any legal obligation to continue it. They will keep taking your money, and when it makes sense for them, they will terminate it and you will be on a tiered plan.

But back to my question, for those few that are still on them, how much data do you typically use?
My contract has been up for a while, no throttling here, plus I don't use 100 gigs, never went over 6 a month. What you are posting is speculation, that's all.
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Speculation on what other carriers and where the market in general is headed. It's only a matter of time, and with you being out of contract and month to month, they can flip the switch at any time.

My point in all this, is why settle for having to root your phone or use a slow BT tethering app, when you can just go to a normal data plan and tether with the built in stuff?

if you are one of the ones using up 50GB per month, then we know your answer. If you are only using 5-6GB a month, then you really don't need Unlimited...

Having Unlimited, if you only use a small amount of data, knowing that it makes tethering slow or a pain in the a$$, while having to pay full price for phones, just doesn't make much sense, does it? I mean, other than being able to say that "I have Unlimited", if it limits you, it costs you more money and you don't use as much data as most folks on tiered plans... I dunno, I guess I just don't see the point. You use less data, it costs you more in the end, and it limits you in other areas...

I gave up my Unlimited last year. Saving a couple bucks a month on data sounds great until you have to shell out $600 plus tax for a new phone... Any savings on the data, just went out the window right there, probably two times over... LOL
For those of you clinging to the Unlimited plans for the next few months before they terminate them, how much data are you regularly using per month?
I use between 15-25gb each month, used to be in hundreds Gb a couple months. My wife probably uses 10-20gb. We haven't been on a contract for years(since they implemented upgrade at discount, lose unlimited). But we also manage to get new devices at cheap prices. Last year we bought 2 new droid maxx for $700 total.
Obviously some of us don't mind paying to keep our unlimited since we had to purchase our devices at full retail in order to so. I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at. If they ax unlimited they ax it...we'll deal with that when the time comes. I don't have any problems watching Netflix, YouTube etc, my tethering works great and as long it continues to stream without buffering, I'm happy.
there currently isn't a plan I could utilize for the amount of data I use each month. Mine varies each month....some months it will be as little as 10, others it's could be as high 50. That's beside the point. If you're happy on your plan without unlimited, that's great, I'm happy for you. But trying to dissuade people from utilizing the plans THEY paid for, doesn't make sense to me.

Obviously some of us don't mind paying to keep our unlimited since we had to purchase our devices at full retail in order to so. I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at. If they ax unlimited they ax it...we'll deal with that when the time comes. I don't have any problems watching Netflix, YouTube etc, my tethering works great and as long it continues to stream without buffering, I'm happy.
there currently isn't a plan I could utilize for the amount of data I use each month. Mine varies each month....some months it will be as little as 10, others it's could be as high 50. That's beside the point. If you're happy on your plan without unlimited, that's great, I'm happy for you. But trying to dissuade people from utilizing the plans THEY paid for, doesn't make sense to me.


Because I am wondering how you justify keeping an unlimited plan, when what you really want to do is use a crazy amount of data by tethering(illegally, according to the carrier)....

I mean, people using tethering hacks on Unlimited plans and soaking up insane amounts of data, is largely why carriers justified getting rid of the plans in the first place...

Like I said, if you are trying to be cheap and use your cell phone as your ISP, I understand exactly why you don't want to let it go.

I was just curious about the people that only use a few GB, why pay full price for a phone, and limit your tethering, for an amount of data that you are not even using...
Your certainly welcome to your opinion, but believe it or not, not everyone is using it as a replacement to their home isp. I can and do easily use 20-30 gig without tethering at all. It's not difficult to do.

Your certainly welcome to your opinion, but believe it or not, not everyone is using it as a replacement to their home isp. I can and do easily use 20-30 gig without tethering at all. It's not difficult to do.


In all seriousness, I am curious... How do you use 30GB a month on a phone?
Netflix, VuDu, YouTube, Amazon Prime.... I watch a lot of movies & binge watch TV series on my phone. (I also stream podcasts and Pandora at work)
Pandora & Slacker use at least half of that.
As a test, try streaming Pandora on your phone for just one week and then show us what your data usage is. You'll be surprised at how much just that app alone uses.

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