Angel vs. Hexen


New Member
Jul 21, 2011
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I've just rooted and am test-driving the popular ROMs for my D2G. I love CM7, but am waiting for the camera/Bluetooth/Wifi to 3G and compass bugs to be worked out.

Meantime I am switching between Angel and Hexen. Does anyone have a list of the main differences between the two?

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I love angelrom cuz of the battery simble but they need to fix reboot issue.

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I'd like to get answers on this too. My wife has fission on her D2G and her battery life is around 4-5 hours. I'm hoping that heXen or angel can get her better performance.

Droid X Justice
I'd like to get answers on this too. My wife has fission on her D2G and her battery life is around 4-5 hours. I'm hoping that heXen or angel can get her better performance.

Droid X Justice

You could read my thread... But seriously, if she's only getting 5 hours of battery, it's because there's something setup incorrectly, she's doing nothing but 5 hours of straight usage (and something that uses a lot of processor and data, to boot), or it's a hardware issue. I easily pulled 20-36 hours out of Fission, and would regularly see 10+ hour days of listening to MP3s non stop while I worked.
Angel was the first rom I ever loaded it was good but I had minor quirky issues like apps that use to work would force close and then of course the random reboot issue. I have been running on hexen for a week now and have yet to find an issue with it. The funny thing is I didn't even have to wipe it litterally just over wrote the angel rom, no reactivate or reinstalls required. Either way you go it is still better than stock and from what I havd read better than fission.

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