android_vendor_cvpcs / CHANGELOG


Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
I just peeked at the changelog...and it looks like it's updated to v1.0.0. These devs are making quick work of this. I just saw a tweet that Peter Alfonso released a Droid OTA Update Froyo Rooted Full ROM.

I'm hoping I get to load the new Sapphire tonight.

Thanks Sapphire team!!!
I agree!!!! I want Sapphire 1.0 now :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
That would be great, but perhaps its not ready for everyone yet? dancedroid
awaiting patiently...............
They're probably just getting it ready. bgill55 created a thread earlier today stating:

im getting a list together on what themes you guys would like to see for the upcoming release of 1.0 So I can contact those devs and get them squared away. What we are wishing and hoping is to have all your favorite themes ready as soon as 1.0 drops!

That to me suggests it will be at least a few more days.
They're probably just getting it ready. bgill55 created a thread earlier today stating:

im getting a list together on what themes you guys would like to see for the upcoming release of 1.0 So I can contact those devs and get them squared away. What we are wishing and hoping is to have all your favorite themes ready as soon as 1.0 drops!

That to me suggests it will be at least a few more days.

Stop throwing logic into this. ;)

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Several developers have FRG releases out for days now. I don't want to load up the test build of Sapphire.

Sure hope Sapphire 1.0 release isn't stalled due to themes. :(
Cvpcs said on IRC today, Sapphire 1.0 will either be out tomorrow or Thursday.

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Cvpcs said on IRC today, Sapphire 1.0 will either be out tomorrow or Thursday.

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Yay I hope it's tomorrow being only a few hours away :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
Awesome can't wait for 1.0. This is the happiest I've been with a rom in along time, you guys are awesome.
Cvpcs said on IRC today, Sapphire 1.0 will either be out tomorrow or Thursday.

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Yay I hope it's tomorrow being only a few hours away :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

He's probably waiting for me to get back from my vacation so I can download from my wifi connection. ;)