Can someone please help me out, running D1-MIUI with slayers 1GHZ kernel.
Does MIUI support A2SD, I see the A2SD+ section in sd card settings but I can't seem to get it functioning correctly. I tried setting up Dark Tremors A2SD scripts as well and still no dice.
My 16GB sd card is formatted with a 512M ext3 partition, an 32M swap partition and the rest is fat32.
If anyone could help, these are my results when running A2SD
# a2sd
[ ] Launching Darktremor A2SD
Starting Darktremor A2SD version 2.7 Update 3r1
[ ] Mounting /system as read-write
[*] Starting A2SD (Lite Version) in mode.
[ ] Searching for Mount Point...
[ ] Mount point further action required.
[ ] Checking for ext partition
[ ] Ext partition found.
[ ] Checking Ext partition...
e2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: clean, 10/130560 files, 27008/522112 blocks
[ ] Mounting ext partitions...
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /system/sd failed: Invalid argument
[X] Mounting ext partition failed.
[X] Can't continue script...aborting.
[ ] Setting File System Ready property to 1.
[ ] Remounting /system to read-only.
# a2sd check
a2sd check
[ ] Launching Darktremor A2SD
Starting Darktremor A2SD version 2.7 Update 3r1
[ ] Mounting /system as read-write
[ ] Starting A2SD in check mode
[ ] Running A2SD Check Program.
[ ] Searching for Mount Point...
[*] Mount point /system/sd located.
[ ] Checking for ext partition
[X] Ext partition found, but not mounted.
Your rom may not be setup to run A2SD.
Check with your rom developer if the boot image
is programmed to run A2SD.
[ ] Setting File System Ready property to 1.
[ ] Remounting /system to read-only.
could someone please help me out with this is you are experienced with Dark Tremors, or if anyone has A2SD running by using a different method i'd appreciate if you could fill me in or post a link to a good tut.
Does MIUI support A2SD, I see the A2SD+ section in sd card settings but I can't seem to get it functioning correctly. I tried setting up Dark Tremors A2SD scripts as well and still no dice.

My 16GB sd card is formatted with a 512M ext3 partition, an 32M swap partition and the rest is fat32.
If anyone could help, these are my results when running A2SD
# a2sd
[ ] Launching Darktremor A2SD
Starting Darktremor A2SD version 2.7 Update 3r1
[ ] Mounting /system as read-write
[*] Starting A2SD (Lite Version) in mode.
[ ] Searching for Mount Point...
[ ] Mount point further action required.
[ ] Checking for ext partition
[ ] Ext partition found.
[ ] Checking Ext partition...
e2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: clean, 10/130560 files, 27008/522112 blocks
[ ] Mounting ext partitions...
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /system/sd failed: Invalid argument
[X] Mounting ext partition failed.
[X] Can't continue script...aborting.
[ ] Setting File System Ready property to 1.
[ ] Remounting /system to read-only.
# a2sd check
a2sd check
[ ] Launching Darktremor A2SD
Starting Darktremor A2SD version 2.7 Update 3r1
[ ] Mounting /system as read-write
[ ] Starting A2SD in check mode
[ ] Running A2SD Check Program.
[ ] Searching for Mount Point...
[*] Mount point /system/sd located.
[ ] Checking for ext partition
[X] Ext partition found, but not mounted.
Your rom may not be setup to run A2SD.
Check with your rom developer if the boot image
is programmed to run A2SD.
[ ] Setting File System Ready property to 1.
[ ] Remounting /system to read-only.
could someone please help me out with this is you are experienced with Dark Tremors, or if anyone has A2SD running by using a different method i'd appreciate if you could fill me in or post a link to a good tut.