Ok, I got one for you guys.
While trying to update from 893 to 902 when I got the OTA this morning, it screwed my phone up royally. The only way I could get it to boot was using an old backup of Th3ory's Rom. Not one of my other backups would even successfully restore. So, I do that & try to do a factory restore from the settings menu, but it kept reflashing Th3ory.
After MANY failed attempts & getting the "Flash Failure" message in recovery, I finally got it back to factory & unrooted with One-Click. 886, I believe it was. I wasn't thinking & updated via OTA to 902, successfully. Well, as you can guess, I was so brain fried from everything, that I forgot to apply 43v3R Root.
No biggie, I figure, I'll just reflash 886 with One-Click & root from there. NOPE. Every time I reboot my phone, I get the Flash Failure message & have to do the Normal Powerup option in Boot Recovery just to get back into my phone. Every time I try this, it does successfully wipe the phone, but I'm still on 902. I've read online that I need to flash something, anything, successfully to fix it, but I don't know what/how to flash anything without Clockwork & without being rooted in the first place.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? How do I fix the Flash Failure error from jamming up the works?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! I've been messing with this thing since 9:30am EST!