5.5.893 with release and forever to 5.7.893: Is it worth it? How to do it?


Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
From 5.5.893 rooted w release and forever to 5.7.893: Is it worth it? How to do it?

Thanks :)
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Are data connection issues driving you crazy? If so, it's worth trying. If not, just wait for the offical update. The camera is slightly better, but I still have occasional 4G drops like I did on stock. I've only been running 5.7.893 for two days. So I wasn't clear by the title, are you stock unrooted, or at 5.5.893 already?
Are data connection issues driving you crazy? If so, it's worth trying. If not, just wait for the offical update. The camera is slightly better, but I still have occasional 4G drops like I did on stock. I've only been running 5.7.893 for two days. So I wasn't clear by the title, are you stock unrooted, or at 5.5.893 already?

Not driving me crazy, but not seeing an improvement on connectivity. There's an improvement in battery life from .886 from what I can tell.
I wouldn't do it if I were you. I have a feeling that the new official update will be out soon.

Is it worth it?? ...yes so far. Wifes Bionic was doing ok until a few days ago. It would only get a 4G signal with no 3g accessible. Even getting it to keep a 1X signal was not possible. Handoff from 3G to 4G was horrible as well. It was a lenghty process if you are already on 5.5.893. If your on stock there is a 1 update package available. There are at least 2 smaller updates between 5.5.893 and 5.7.893 that have been released. A bad thing is that one of those brakes your webtop. After I updated the wifes phone handoff and signal issues are pretty much gone.