So its finally become apparent that the kernel versions btw .32 and .34 are not the same, despite someone swearing they were and then everyone else saying the same thing just cuz one person said it. Are they the same operationally? Probably. But the version numbers are different, and that's enough to cause compatibility issues for OTA's and maybe even full SBF's (although it's been suggested that full sbf's do not check for specific kernel versions).
What does this mean? Well, for those of you who upgraded to the leak .32 (bootloader/kernel and all), you can install a .34 rom, it will work fine, and for all operational purposes, you'll be at the same place as people who OTA'd to .34. But what some people on .32 don't realize is that this isn't putting their kernel on the .34 version, only their system. What's it mean? You could have severe problems next time you try to OTA in the future.... BEST CASE scenario is you get "the update failed", rather than a brick.
So what you .32 users need is a way back to .15, so that you can OTA to .34 and get back on track. A FULL (not system only) .34 sbf might work, assuming (and hoping) that it doesn't check for a specific kernel. But we need to get one in order to test that. Otherwise, you could be looking at a mass bricking for .32 users at the release of gingerbread OTA.
Can someone who knows P3Droid plz ask him for the way back that he swore he has but that everyone thought we wouldn't need?
What does this mean? Well, for those of you who upgraded to the leak .32 (bootloader/kernel and all), you can install a .34 rom, it will work fine, and for all operational purposes, you'll be at the same place as people who OTA'd to .34. But what some people on .32 don't realize is that this isn't putting their kernel on the .34 version, only their system. What's it mean? You could have severe problems next time you try to OTA in the future.... BEST CASE scenario is you get "the update failed", rather than a brick.
So what you .32 users need is a way back to .15, so that you can OTA to .34 and get back on track. A FULL (not system only) .34 sbf might work, assuming (and hoping) that it doesn't check for a specific kernel. But we need to get one in order to test that. Otherwise, you could be looking at a mass bricking for .32 users at the release of gingerbread OTA.
NO ONE AND I MEAN, no one who has updated will be stuck when the OTA comes out. before this was released you have to have known we have a way back. I'm just sayin...
Can someone who knows P3Droid plz ask him for the way back that he swore he has but that everyone thought we wouldn't need?